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Interview with: erensbitchh Pronouns:Most Popular Book: Just This Once (Jean K

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Interview with: erensbitchh
Most Popular Book: Just This Once (Jean K. & Eren J. x Reader)

 x Reader)

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1. How would you describe your Wattpad journey?

I would say my wattpad journey has been a little all over the place. I first started out as just a reader and then randomly decided to start writing. Overall though I think wattpad has really just helped me practice writing and make friends which is great!

2. How do you deal with hate comments?

Usually I try my best to ignore them, but if they get excessive sometimes I leave author notes at the end of my chapters, or I remove people's commenting privilege. I had to that when I got death threats one time.

3. What chapter gave you the most writer's block?

Probably chapter 34 of Just This Once because I had to figure out how to piece together the backstories of my characters in a way that was parallel to the characters in present time.

4. What is your favorite chapter that you've written?

I really like chapter 29 because I love writing angst and that chapter is a big turning point because of it.

5. How long have you been on Wattpad?

1 year

6. Least favorite chapter that you've written?

Oh I can't really pick just one. I honestly don't like the first 18 chapters of my story that much because my my story had no direction and my writing style has changed so much

7. What made you want to write in the first place?

I'm not sure I think it was just something to do. I was stuck at home because of the pandemic and writing was a way for me to pass the time

8. What do you do when writing?

I usually listen to soft instrumental music and I go over my outline a bunch.

9. What time of day do you usually write at?

I write at any time, usually just when I feel motivated. The only time I don't really write is mornings.

10. What made you want to 'erensbitchh' as your username?

i made the username before i started writing and it was really just to be funny, but once I did start writing I didn't want to change my user. It all works out though because it goes along with my books

11. Did you ever think 'Just This Once' would get as popular as it is now?

No, I never expected it to get more than a couple hundred reads.

12. Does writing ever get stressful for you?

Yes it can be stressful trying to balance between writing what I want to write and writing what I think will please my readers and raise my stats. It's stressful to write what I think is a great chapter and then see no one really liked it.

13. Favorite music artists?

It's hard to pick favorites because I listen to literally every genre of music but I do listen to a lot of Two Feet, COIN, The Neighborhood, and Adele

14. Favorite animes?

AOT, JJK, Demon Slayer, Tokyo Revengers

15. What career do you want to pursue in the future?

I have absolutely no idea. I should probably figure that out.

16. Any hobbies other than writing?

I read. I literally read all the time, and not really wattpad stuff, I just like books. Anything about fantasy or greek mythology. I also play volleyball competitively so there's that. I'm a state champion. I like to hang out with friends a lot, too. I write songs, but I don't really show them to anyone.

17. What anime universe would you live in?

Any kind of action anime like AOT. I don't know, for some reason I really like the idea of flying around on ODM gear and not knowing if today could be your last day alive. Seems fun.

18. Favorite movie?

Hmm I'm not sure. I don't really watch movies a lot I kinda just stick to TV shows so I don't really have a favorite. But I guess I like dystopian or action movies.

19. Favorite fanfic? (If they aren't tagged it's probably on A03)

Omg ok I can't pick just one cause I have a few that I love, so I'll list them:

From The Sidelines by suffocatingspring

Opposites by Lancaliii

Parallels by Lancaliii

47 by kanlawren

Circles by simp4eren

COMRADES by emefaerie

Soft Touch by seventh_time_lucky

Drown In My Ocean of Black Box Dye by brigreenie

These are some of my absolute favorites. I swear every fic on this list is amazing and entertaining, some are on wattpad and some are on ao3. All have intricate plots and conflicts cause I can't read stories without them, and they are all written amazingly well. I'll stop now cause I could talk abt them for hours but caution with the last one, it WILL destroy you.

20. Anything to say to the supporters?

These are some of my absolute favorites. I swear every fic on this list is amazing and entertaining, some are on wattpad and some are on ao3. All have intricate plots and conflicts cause I can't read stories without them, and they are all written amazingly well. I'll stop now cause I could talk abt them for hours but caution with the last one, it WILL destroy you.

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