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Interview with: valxeren
Pronouns: She/her
Most Popular Book: Aisle Four (Eren x Reader)

Interview with: valxerenPronouns: She/herMost Popular Book: Aisle Four (Eren x Reader)

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1. How would you describe your Wattpad journey so far?

after being on wattpad for eight years, i can say that it's definitely been a whole roller coaster of emotions. i used to just read other people's stories on there, but now i've created my own for other people to read.

2. How do you deal with hate comments?

luckily i haven't had to deal with hate aside from one comment i saw on a tiktok. it did get to me just for a little bit, but then i remembered that we're all just people on the internet and that one comment isn't going to hurt me at all.

3. What chapter gave you the most writer's block?

i would say "Near and Far" gave me the most writer's block because i had accidentally posted the wrong chapter the week before. i usually had the next one or two chapters written out, but since i ended up posting two chapters that week, i had a rough time coming up with "Near and Far" with such limited time.

4. How long have you been on Wattpad?

a little over eight years

5. What do you do when writing?

most of the time i just listen to music that fits with what i'm trying to write, other times i'll put on a show for background noise.

6. What is your favorite chapter of yours that you wrote?

probably "Sparks Fly" since i had a lot of fun writing it

7. What chapter do you think you could've done better on?

definitely the last few chapters. i feel like i really should've put more thought into it rather than just try to quickly finish the story.

8. What time of day do you usually write?

i usually write when it's past midnight; that's when i get a lot of ideas and i feel the need to write them down before i lose my train of thought.

9. Did you ever think 'Aisle Four' was going to get as popular as it did?

nope, not at all. the fact that it now has over 100k reads blows my mind.

10. What made you want to have 'Valxeren' as your username?

i wanted to have a combination of me and eren's names. i was originally going for "valeren" but it was taken, so i just put an x between our names.

11. Favorite Music Artists?

my top three right now would be doja cat, chase atlantic, and cigarettes after sex

12. Does writing ever get stressful for you?

not really to be honest. i pretty much only get stressed when i can't write a scenario the exact way my mind is picturing it.

13. Favorite Animes?

attack on titan (ofc), tokyo revengers, and cowboy bebop.

14. Any hobbies other than writing?

i like doing art (mostly drawing/painting) and playing video games

15. What career do you want to pursue in the future?

i've been thinking about becoming a forensic biologist but i'm not too sure now that i started college 😅

16. Favorite fanfic that isn't yours?

karma by @eremiie on tumblr (it's also on wattpad and ao3). it's so beautifully written and well developed even though there's only a prologue and one chapter. the author hasn't updated it in a couple months though because they're on a hiatus. i had to really think about this one bc i dont read a lot of fics outside tumblr tbh

17. Anything to say to the supporters?

i want to thank everyone for the continuous support!! without yall motivating me every step of the way, none of this would have been possible for me. thank you for giving me a reason to write :)

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