Chapter 15: Aurora*

Start from the beginning


      We get to the club early enough that we didn't have to pay more than $20 for the cover. After we get in, Killian and Alison go to find a table for us while I go get drinks. As I walk up to the bar and try to get the bartender's attention a blonde haired, blue eyed man leans over and says to me "whatcha drinking, pretty girl?" I smile at him and say "oh thanks but I'm getting drinks for my whole table so you don't have to buy."
      Just then the bartender catches my eye and I say, or really yell, "3 diet rum and Coke's with lime and 3 lemon drop shots, please!" The bartender nods and goes to get my drinks after I discreetly hand the bartender my debit card without showing the man next to me any of my identifying information or card information. I turn to catch the eye of Alison and she comes to help me carry the drinks over to the table.
      Before Alison can get there the man says again "let me buy you a drink," but with a much more aggressive tone. I still smile and try to hide the fact that I'm very uncomfortable and say "I appreciate the offer but I have a boyfriend." He looks at me with a sadistic smile and says "I don't see him here with you." I still smile and say "oh he's working right now, but he will be home before I get home tonight from our little girls night." Which isn't true, but he doesn't have to know that. Hopefully he will turn his focus to another girl soon.
      As I see our drinks coming towards us from the bar I pull out my night cap covers and put them on all of our drinks. The man scoffs and says "think I'm going to drug your drink, huh?" I give him a confused look and say "no I never said that? This is just a precaution. I'm sure there is at least one man in here who would do such a thing. It's been nice talking to you but my friend and I are going to find our other friend before she does something crazy!"
      Alison carries the drinks as I carry the shots over to the table. Killian says "fuck what took so long!? I'm ready to get drunk!" Alison laughs and says "Annie had to fight off an asshole at the bar who doesn't understand body language." We all take our shots together. As we sit and drink our drinks I tell Alison and Killian more about the awkward and intense encounter I just had at the bar. Alison says "I can always call Luke to come pick us up earlier and hang out with us if we need some muscle." I laugh and say "no, we will be okay. Let's go dance after we finish these drinks!"

~Spencer's POV~

     I'm on the jet coming home from the case, we unexpectedly caught the unsub pretty soon after I got off the phone with Annie. It took a few days to find the last victims even though the unsub was in custody, but we figured it out and we are almost home. I track Annie's location - we both share each others location on find my iPhone just for safety precautions - and see that she's at the club she told me about on the phone. I text Alison and tell her to pretend I'm her husband when I call her in a minute. She likes the message and I wait two minutes before calling her.
      She says "Hi, Luke, what's up?" I tell her "hey the jet is about to land at Quantico, do you think it would be okay if I surprised Annie at the bar? I don't want to interrupt your girls night." She waits a second and says "yeah that would be nice for sure." I then say "what about if I invite my team would that be okay, we all kind of need to unwind after our case." She then says "even better, okay I really have to get back to the girls now. See you at home." I say goodbye and tell her we will be there in about 30 minutes.
      I turn to my team on the jet and say "hey Annie is at this new club close by called Aurora and I'm going to go surprise her, any of you guys want to join?" Everybody but Rossi chimes in saying they will join, even Hotch wants to come which is weird. Penelope pops in on the screen and says "I will most definitely be there, wonder boy." I laugh and tell them to just let me surprise Annie first before she sees anybody else. They all agree. Shortly after that, the jet lands and we file out to our cars, not stopping at the BAU like normal, except for Morgan who is picking up Penelope.
      I get to the entrance of the bar with my team, discreetly put a $100 bill in the bouncer's hand, and he lets us in without another word. It helps that I also knew the bouncer previously from working local cases and having to interview him multiple times. I turn to Hotch and say "you all owe me like $10 each." Hotch smiles, a rarity honestly, and nods. We walk in together and I search the crowd for Annie and her friends.

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