"Milady, my mistake! Please, just clean me like you normally do, I beg of you!" Anser was wondering how Derf was somehow crying as a sword of all things. The woman before them merely sighed.

"Normally I would, but since you're not my sword anymore, there'll be a fee..." She put a finger to her chin as she thought up of some numbers. Anser took a look at the bag at her side, which didn't go unnoticed by the merchant couple.

"Hm? Whaddya want from ma' wife's bag, duck? There's no food in there, shoo."

"Honk." Anser pulled out Louise's coin purse and gestured towards the bag again. The redhead woman understood exactly what was happening as lights shone in her eyes.

"A customer! This is unexpected, but I'll welcome it just the same. Oh, shoot, where are my manners?" The woman put a hand to her chest while the other wrapped around Carl. "My name's Anna, the Secret Seller! And you already know my lovable bear Carl here. I sell all sorts of odds-and-ends I find. Most people think it's junk, but someone out there will have an eye for it. Is that someone you, Mister... uh, Derf, what's his name?"


"Alright then, Anser! I see you already looking at my wares with interest. So, let's make a deal then." Anna knelt down to the goose, who stared at her inquisitively. "I'll take care of Derf and any other maintenance you need me to do, and you buy my stock in return. Deal?" The answer was obvious for our friendly neighborhood goose as he stuck out a wing to shake Anna's hand. With that being said, Anser picked out some shiny new toys to work with as Derf got a much-needed scrubbing and polish. By the end of the trip, Derf looked like a brand-new sword.

"Ahhh~ I absolutely LOVE this, you know that Pard?" Anser only nodded as Derf rambled on about his new shiny sheen. Derf noted how intensely the goose was thinking as they waddled home. "I know that look all-too-well, partner. You're thinking of more tricks and traps, aren't you?"

"Hjönk hjönk."

"Your mind really goes into overdrive when thinking about horrible deeds. It's like you were running situations over and over in your head until you perfected them..."


"...What does 'playtesting' even mean? You know what, forget it. We're almost home anyway."


The door to Louise's bedroom opened as Anser waddled in. Louise's face lit up upon seeing her familiar back home in one piece.

"Thank Brimir you made it home! How did the shopping trip go?" Louise glanced over to the rather large bag Anser had with him. "Er... you did buy the supplies I asked for, correct?"

"Hjönk!" Anser honked proudly. His master simply rubbed his head as he took out some more things that he bought. From the friendly merchant, he got quite a few items, including two strange gauntlets with a deck of cards inside them. She decided not to question her familiar, as he probably knew more than she ever could.

"Well, at least you didn't empty my wallet..." Louise sighed as she slumped back onto her bed. "Hey, Anser?"


"I think... I'm finally understanding how my magic works. I... I actually cast a spell today without your help!"

"Honk? Hjönk Hjönk!"

"I know! I just... I just recalled the feeling that happened the last two times, when I first cast the Transmutation spell and the Daifunka. Admittedly, I tried using Daifunka more. I kept exploding like I usually did. Then, something snapped inside me, and I let loose my spell the moment I lost my magical concentration!"

"That's great news Pinkie!" Derf piped in. "But with all that talk, you seem distressed. What happened?"

"...I think... I think Siesta might've been right. About my element."

"Oh. Oh..." The room fell silent. If Louise's suspicions were correct, it would explain so many things about her. But at the same time, it went against everything she's ever learned as a child. It was a moral struggle within her own mind, one she felt she had to keep silent about. And all Anser and Derf could do is be on the sidelines, watching from the outside. Finally, Louise spoke again.

"Sorry for souring the mood, today has been dreadful for me. I like your new look though, Derf."

"Why thank you, Pinkie! That might be the first nice thing you've said to me!"

"And I immediately regret it." She groaned. She turned onto her stomach as she stared at Anser. "By the way, did you two see Siesta when you were coming in? I haven't seen her all day." Anser shook his head.

"We haven't seen her either. Maybe she's busy with chores?"


"No... that can't be it. She would tell me, or at least I'd find her easily... where did she go?" Suddenly, Louise's door was hit by frantic banging. Louise jolted up as she went to open the door. "Just who in the world do you think you- Chef Marteau?"

"huff, huff... Louise... It's Siesta... That... huff... Count Mott..." The head chef was slowly trying to catch his breath, but it was clear he was panicking hard. "Oh, Founder almighty..."

"Chef Marteau, what happened to Siesta?!" Louise cried. Marteau simply cast his gaze down as he took off his hat.

"Count Mott bought her from Osmond's care. He's taking her away as his personal maid. I heard what he does to the girls he has. Please, you have to help Siesta. She's like a daughter to me, and you're the only noble I know of that has the heart to reach out to a commoner like her. If not for me, do it for her!"

Louise's mind shut down for a few seconds as she registered what happened. Then, her anger began welling up inside her. 'Rule of Steel Louise, Rule of Steel', she tried to reprimand herself mentally. But whenever she did, the image of Siesta appeared in her mind, causing her rage to boil over. Her eyes darkened as she stared at the man before her.

"Marteau." She began. "I'll bring her back, safe, and sound. I'll make sure that sleaze of a messenger never touches another woman again. I swear on my mother's name." and with that, Louise grabbed her cloak and left, followed by an equally determined Anser and Derf. Chef Marteau watched in amazement as tears began to well up in his eyes.

"Godspeed, milady. And give him hell."

If you like this story I suggest going to the original source here

And if you want more like this I suggest going to the original author of this story Tiamatio's home page here

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