Chapter 4

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Another morning came around, and because of Anser's constant pestering, Louise has finally gotten used to getting up early. She absolutely loathed her familiar for doing that to her, but she guessed it was in her best interests that she did, so she let him have his victory. It was today that she decided that they needed to go into town for some things, mainly anything that Anser would enjoy as a toy. The goose had no complaints, eager to stretch his wings. And a certain mischievous glint in his eyes betrayed the innocent look he painted for his master.

"Well then, that should be everything... You ready for a carriage ride Anser?"


The two of them began to load up into the carriage when Louise dropped her wand accidentally. When she wasn't looking, Anser nipped one of the horses in its backside while the servants were getting ready to tie her up, causing the mare to reactively send a poor servant flying with a kick. The general assumption was that they accidentally spooked the beast, but Anser laughed inwardly.

Make a servant go airborne for about 3 seconds. -Done!

Eventually, the duo made their way into town, where Louise walked around looking for treats and other toys for waterfowl. All the while, Anser was causing all sorts of mischief under her oblivious watch. For instance, he snagged a bag out of a rather wealthy man's hand and discreetly planted it on another, equally wealthy man. He learned quickly about how the nobility treated commoners and despite being a troublemaker, he didn't wish for poor commoners to incur the wrath of a brash noble. He was chaotic sure, but not necessarily evil.

The two wealthy men began bickering bitterly until wands were drawn, causing the crowd to panic and run away from the scene. Anser used the confusion to break away from Louise, who was still busy listening to a shopkeeper to care.

Start a street brawl. -Done!

Running through the crowd of commoners, he found out that a pickpocket was attempting to steal people's wallets as they ran away in fear. Now that's not right... those weren't going to him! Quickly, Anser grabbed a fallen hammer from a toolsmith's belt and used the crowd as a distraction to go up upon the rafters of a shop. Upon spotting his target, he jumped off the roof and gracefully landed atop of the pickpocket, slamming the hammer into his head. The man yelped before falling unconscious. The crowd was all too concerned about running away from the cloud of magic to care.

Stop a thief. -Done!

From here, Anser found the bag where he carried the wallets and grabbed it. It was surprisingly light, so he made his way out the crowd, bag in bill. The victims would still be looking for their wallets long after Anser made his leave.

Rake in the big bucks. -Done!

Now then, he knew that money was valuable, but where could he go with it? Louise was off buying him fun little toys, so he didn't bother with those. Food? No, the servants were more than enough. Then what... why are the runes glowing? And they're beckoning him into a weapon's shop. Normally, a goose would have no need for weaponry, for they are simply geese. But this goose is no ordinary goose, and as such, marched his way into the shop.

The shopkeeper was surprised to see a pure white goose look up at him as if he wanted to do business. He then took notice of the familiar runes and sighed.

"So, I can guess your master wanted you to do some shopping, eh? An' that sack you got is yer money?"


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