Chapter 6

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"Brimir's sake... what do we do? What do we do? What do we do? Founder, what do we do?" Derf mumbled. "What do we do?"

"Silence! Just... let me think okay?!" Louise cried. She was just all sorts of stressed right now. First, Fouquet the Crumbling Dirt infiltrated the Academy's Vault, then she stole the Staff of Destruction among other treasures, and now her familiar has been acting strange ever since she found him in the vault. Anser has just been brooding these past few days and has had an unnaturally horrible glint in his eyes. She's been worried for him since. "Look, Headmaster Osmond will figure something out. We have the best mages from all over Tristain here to help us capture Fouquet!"

"..." Anser silently brooded as Derf and Louise were wondering what to do. His internal musings were cut short by a knock on the door. Louise opened it and was greeted by Siesta.

"Erm, I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but the Headmaster wishes to see you two."

"Us? What for?"

"I don't know the specifics milady, but I assume it was because your familiar was with the thief when she stole the Staff."

"I see. Thank you, maid, we'll be heading there promptly." Louise went to sling Derf over her shoulder when she got a quizzical look from Siesta. "Is something the matter?"

"No! Er, well... I just never seen the students here hold weaponry is all."

"I see. Well..." Louise didn't know how to properly respond. Siesta was right, nobles don't carry weapons as their wands are their only tool. But she couldn't really say that it was her familiar's own, despite his impressive showing at the showcase. And she really didn't want to be rude to the maid, she was just asking a question. Louise sighed, but luckily, Siesta saved her from answering.

"Oh, you don't need to answer, milady! I let my curiosity get the better of me. I won't let it happen again!"

"Y-you don't need to do that..."

"Eheh... oh! We're here!" Siesta opened the door for Louise and Anser before bowing out. Louise gave her a slight nod before staring at the Headmaster's room. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Ah, Miss Valliere, thank you for joining us. Please, take a seat." Osmond gestured towards an empty seat... next to Kirche and Tabitha.

"W-What?! What are they doing here?!" She exclaimed, pointing an accusatory finger towards the Germanian. Said girl was playfully offended as she sent a wry grin to the pinkette.

"Oh, come now Louise, we're all friends here, aren't we?"

"In your dreams!"

"Ahem!" Osmond cleared his throat before the two girls could continue their bout. Louise grumbled before taking a seat next to her rival, her loyal goose following behind. "Now then, you three must be wondering why I called you along with our staff." Before he could continue, however, Tabitha spoke up.

"We're the strongest in the school."

"I-er... yes. You and Miss Zerbst have extraordinary magical prowess, with Miss Zerbst being a Triangle Class Mage and you yourself Miss Tabitha as a Chevalier. As for Miss Valliere, your, er... your familiar is incredible, to say the least, being able to wield certain artifacts from our Vault with ease." Louise groused at the last bit, but at least Anser was praised. Said goose was busy preening himself. "And as such, we would like to ask you to conduct an investigation on the Vault Thief, Fouquet the Crumbling Dirt."

A Horrible FamiliarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora