'It would be better to see him blow up some mountain....rather then seeing him like this' Tcf Alberu thought feeling sad but won't admitted it

Beacrox suddenly recalled his father, Ron's comment.

‘You're the only one I can rely on since I cannot go myself.’

He had followed without complaining because it had sounded serious.

He then just sat back and watched as it seemed as if Cale was just going to gain another ancient power.

However, he could clearly tell that something was different after seeing young master Cale's pain-filled expression.

“Can we just leave him like this?”

Beacrox was speaking with a sharp tone.

Eruhaben kneeled down next to Cale and responded back.

"We have to leave him like this.”

"What!? Why!?" Basen shouted feeling shocked that his brother have to be leave in pain like that.

The others were also shocked and start to become uneasy.

“What do you mean?”

“Cale Henituse is currently fusing his plate back together.”

'What a troublesome human, maybe I should watch him a little bit more' Tcf Rasheel thought
(I want to see Rasheel character development🤧)

Eruhaben stopped for a moment before continuing on.

“I didn’t expect that to be this painful though. We can’t heal him in any way right now. Foreign powers cannot enter his body until this process is finished.”

The audience then became tensed after knowing the fact the foreign power can't enter his body thus enabling him to be healed immediately.

The ancient Dragon was getting a headache.

Og Eruhaben nod at his other self.

'What an unlucky human' Og Eruhaben thought as he look at Tcf Cale

He had never seen anything like this in his 1,000 years of life.

‘I didn't know that there would be such a strong clashing of powers.’

The natural attributes in Cale's body were violently clashing with each other. Eruhaben started to frown. It was hard for even him to watch Cale, who was in so much pain that he could not even open his eyes.

Tcf Basen closed his eyes not wanting to look the condition his brother are in

Bothe witira and Queen Litan was feeling distressed to see the state Tcf Cale was in

On the other hand Og Cale wince in pain looking how his other self seem to always get hurt "must be painful.." he mumbled.

"Of course" Tcf Cale said feigning ignorance of the look people was giving  him.

Seeing the always calm and collected punk being in a situation like this was difficult.

Tcf Alberu nod I'm agreement

Seeing the usual stoic and rude dongsaeng in pain doesn't make him feel nice.


Cale coughed up another chunk of blood.

Cale felt as if his insides were flipping over. It felt as if his entire body had turned into glass and someone was hitting at him with a small hammer.

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