"With all due respect Headmaster, why us?" Louise asked. "Why can't our teachers go?"

"Because they're cowards, aren't they?" All but Colbert shrunk under Kirche's glare. The bald professor matched her glare with a stare that hid his true emotions.

"I would not fault you for thinking so, Miss Zerbst. However, we must stay here in case any other would-be robbers threaten our vault once more."

"Hmph." And just like that, the air in the office had grown tense. Osmond rubbed his temples, wondering what to do when Louise spoke up.

"Fine, we'll do it." Tabitha and Kirche looked at her with surprise. "I'm tired of being called worthless, so let me do something worthwhile and prove everyone here wrong. I know what happened that night. I was able to make a dent in that behemoth with my explosions. I won't let Fouquet get away this time, and I will retrieve the staff."

"Heheh... such brave words from Little Louise~"

"Why you-"

"Fine, I shall accompany you as well. I can't let you get hurt, can I?"


"I'm coming too." Louise's gaze softened a bit when Tabitha jumped in.

"That's fine with me. I'll appreciate the help. But just know that it'll be my familiar and I taking down Fouquet!"

"Then it's settled. Girls, first thing tomorrow, you three and Miss Longueville here will track down Fouquet. She had already mapped out her possible whereabouts." Osmond nodded to his secretary, who nodded in return. "You are dismissed."








Louise adjusted her bag and smiled. She was actually going on a proper mission for once! The chance to prove she wasn't worthless was just too good to pass up! Petting Anser on his goosey head, she slung Derf over her shoulder and headed out to the academy's stables. When she arrived, she was met with her 'teammates' for this adventure. She groaned at having to work with them, but she had no other choice.

"Well, look who decided to finally show up." Kirche giggled.

"Zip it, cow." Louise's anger was cut short by confusion. "Wait, where's Miss Longueville?"

"No idea. We were the first ones here. I assume she's still gathering up resources for our quest."

"I see. Looks like we'll be waiting around a bit more, huh?" While Louise and Kirche began bickering once more, the trio of familiars met back up after what felt like ages for them.

"Hjönk Hjönk Honk!"

"Kyuu Kyu, Kyuuun!"

"Ssaah Sah Sah!"

A Horrible FamiliarWhere stories live. Discover now