"Figures. Well, feel free to browse my selection. My weapons are made to-"


"HEY HEY HEY HEY! What was that noise?!"

"Hjönk?" Anser was standing over a fallen pile of weapons, some of them were even broken or straight up shattered.

"Uhhh, where is my golden saber?"


"And why are there shards of weapons there?"



"Yeah, we know how you did it," A muffled voice came from the pile. "Congratulations, the nobles gave you an offering." The shopkeeper growled in frustration at the new voice as Anser dug out a rather rusty sword from the pile. "Whew, thanks, friend!"


"Now, where was I? Oh, right. That doesn't make you better than me. But you see, no one trusts ME around other swords because I'm a bad risk and I make them look bad all the time. So I have to work to get bought."

"Uhhh... did my sword always look like that or am I just uhh-"

"What, class? Style?" The sword 'talked', its scabbard clattering as it did so. "I don't think so. Thank god I got a hilt transplant... Now, why don't you go back behind your counter and shut up!?"


A body barreled past the goose and talking sword and into the shopkeeper, knocking them both unconscious from the explosion.

"Honk honk?"

"Why wouldn't he?" The rusty blade said matter-of-factly. "Anyways, the name's Derflinger, Derf for short. What about you?"


"Anser, eh? Well then pard, as goosey as you look, you seem like the right guy to wield me. Pleased to work with ya!"

Get geared up. -Done!

New To-Do List item:

Get Derflinger a holster.

"Aw, I'm touched pard. I appreciate it."


"Oh yeah, I dunno how either. But I can see that To-Do list of your as well. Must've been those runes on your wing. Whatever it is, I'm impressed with how much you've got done on it upon entering town. Can't believe there's only three more items before it's complete."

"Honk honk!" Anser flaunted himself pridefully to Derf, who chortled mirthfully.

"Now that's the spirit! Now then, let's find out why that guy was blasted through here..."


"Oh, that was one of the guys from that street brawl you caused?"

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