"Looks like someone's got a crush."

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She stared at her friends.

"Why," Ollie said, "do I hang out with you losers?" She walked over to James and pulled him off Sirius, flipping him around so now his back was up against the wall. She put her arm up, blocking his right. Remus came over next to Ollie and put his arm up, restricting the left side of their curly-haired friend.

Remus and Ollie had James Potter pinned to the wall. Sirius rested his chin on Ollie's head, while Peter came over and put leaned on the wall, outside of the cage his friends had created. Ollie lifted her free hand and flicked James's forehead, before the group disassembled the trap.

Remus and Ollie on James's right, Peter and Sirius on his left, the five made their way to the Great Hall for lunch.

As they sat in their usual seats, Ollie felt like there was a pair of eyes on her back. She asked Sirius, quietly, if he could see anyone staring at her. Since he was sitting across from her, he peered at the Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin tables.

Since the Ravenclaw table was right next to the Gryffindor table, it was easiest to see people there. Luckily, the blue hues were seated there.

Sirius told Ollie, "Some Ravenclaw dude." Ollie turned around, making eye contact with the boy.

His skin was lightly tanned, and littered with freckles. Ollie noticed his left eyebrow had a slit through it, and a small metallic glint from his nose. His hair was messy, the bleach-blond curls flopping all over. His eyes were light in color, a nice pastel teal complementing his blue-and-bronze tie. Speaking of which, the blue eyes flicked down at his plate.

"Hm," Ollie said. Remus put his long arm around her shoulders, a gesture of protectiveness. Peter scooted closer to Ollie, while James and Sirius glared at the Ravenclaw. "You idiots, at least let me see him," she scolded them. She looked at him for a minute longer, trying to recall the name that went with the face.


Remus looked at his best friend. "Pardon?"

Ollie looked up at him. "Evan Wells. Ravenclaw Chaser. He's in our Charms class and my Arithmancy class."

James's sandwich suffered a terrible fate as his hand clenched into a fist. "Why's he staring at you, though?" he snarled through gritted teeth.

"Probably so that you're all worked up," Remus answered, rolling his eyes. Turning to Ollie, he added, "Looks like someone's got a crush."

Sirius snorted into his pudding. Peter was eyeing Wells, not sure if he should be angry at this boy looking at his friend (like James was), amused (like Sirius), or nonchalant (like Remus). He settled on brushing it off.

"Can't blame him, honestly," Remus continued. "Don't you guys think?"

James raised his thick eyebrows. "Please elaborate."

Remus's amber eyes rolled once more. "I mean, Ollie is relatively good-looking, she's fairly smart, pretty funny, and not to mention the only reason people stand you idiots."

Ollie pretended to blush aggressively, but she was embarrassed. "Oh, you flatter me," she said, waving her hand exaggeratedly at Remus and batting her long lashes.

"Relatively good-looking? Fairly smart? Bit of an understatement there, Remmy," Sirius said, a jokingly stern look on his face. "Yeah, I must say Wells's got taste."

James replied, "I mean I guess. I don't form opinions on how attractive my friends are but-"

"James, you think I'm pretty?" Sirius cut him off. James rolled his gentle hazel eyes, shoving his friend's shoulder. Sirius ceased his eyelash-batting and pouting lip.

Sirius muttered a vague insult while Peter threw in, "Could be worse," with a shrug.

Ollie glanced at her watch. "Ah, gotta go. Arithmancy." Her guy friends waved her goodbye, and she slipped out of the Hall.

As she walked to her class, she became aware of a set of footsteps behind her.

Turning around, she guessed, "Wells?"

To no one's surprise, it was, in fact, Wells.

"Sato," he said, his deep voice soft.

"Um, what's... Hi."

Wells took in a deep breath. "Hey. You know, I was wondering, want to hang out sometime? Like, I dunno, a date, maybe?"

Ollie stopped in her tracks. Wells walked past her by accident, stopping and looking at the girl nervously.

"U-uh, if you dont-"

"Sure," Ollie decided. "In fact, that sounds lovely. This weekend?"

The two were walking again, and Wells answered, "Maybe next weekend? The sixteenth."

"Oh, that's not gonna work," Ollie replied. She got a confused look. "It's my birthday, you know. My parents will probably want to meet up for at least part of the day, and if I'm incredibly lucky, my sister will pop over, too."

"Oh. This weekend, then."

They walked the rest of the way in a somewhat awkward silence, unaware of the paintings staring at them and awwing.

As they entered the classroom, making their way to their usual seats, a flurry of thoughts swam around Ollie's head.

I'm going on a date.

A real date.

What do you even do on a date?

I'll have to ask Sirius. And maybe Alice.

Why did he ask me out, anyway?

I wonder if he has anything in particular planned.

"Olivia," whispered Collette, the girl Ollie sat by in this class. "Professor Orozco said to read chapter fourteen and we have a two-page essay due next class on the contents."

"Thanks Collette," Ollie whispered back. She flipped open her textbook, glancing at Wells.



i'd say it's filler but like... AHHH SHE'S GOT A DATE!! Ollie never goes on dates so sis has no clue what she's supposed to do ._.

898 words

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