"Yeah. Siriusly."

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"You're terrible," Ollie said, laughing.

Sirius was fake-pouting. "I didn't have time to think!"

"I'm sorry," Remus piped up, "but 'hounding'?"

"You suck at making puns," James commented from the couch where he was sitting.

Peter, next to James on the couch, added, "I mean, you're supposed to be at least okay at making puns."

"Yeah. Siriusly," Ollie joked.

"Okay, fine," Sirius admitted, "but it's way easier to make a star pun than a dog one!"

James pointed out, "True, true. But you didn't have to make one."

All of them laughed. They were making fun of Sirius's terrible pun on the fact that Remus was a wolf.

It was two days after the beginning of February, and Sirius wasn't always talking about his girlfriend. In fact, she was hardly ever a topic of conversation. Ollie thought he might be drifting away from Ava, but in reality, he was spending all night, every night working on a song.

For his birthday that year, Remus had gotten Sirius a guitar. Because he liked to sing, and as Remus put it, "it's boring without accompaniment."

When Sirius sang, it was a little bit low, a little bit raspy, a little bit sweet, and a little bit soft.

When they were younger, Ollie used to have nightmares, and would sometimes go down to the common room to ease her mind with the dying fire. It was nights like these where she was the most vulnerable, but it was where she was safest from the cruelty of her own thoughts.

It was nights like these, too, that Sirius would find a slightly trembling Ollie on the couch in the common room, and he would go and sit by her in the early morning, and sing her to sleep.

That was Ollie's favorite thing to hear after a long night of shaky breaths and tears. To hear Sirius softly singing a song, just to help calm her down.

Sirius wasn't good with words. He didn't know what to say to make someone feel better, but he was good with actions. He'd give you a hug, he'd braid your hair, if you were incredibly lucky, he'd let you braid his hair. Or, he'd put out a string of notes, soothing words laced between.

Ollie could never pay attention to the words. Just Sirius's voice would put her in a trance.

Sirius was going to play Ava his song on Valentine's day.


Unbeknownst to any of the five Gryffindors, a certain Ravenclaw boy was planning his own Valentine's day gift. Evan Wells, a fellow fifth year, had a crush on a certain Gryffindor, and was planing to ask her out.

He wouldn't be able to have a real date with her until two days after Valentine's day, on the 16th. He knew that she wasn't in a relationship, and he wanted to be the one to change that.

He also knew that he'd have to act fast, because she was perfect.

The way she laughed, the way she talked, the way she snapped her head around to look at one of her friends.

Evan Wells had fallen head over heels for it.

He'd fallen for the way she'd shove that Potter boy.

For the way she'd mess up that Black boy's hair.

For the way she'd put her arm protectively around that scrawny Pettigrew boy.

For the way she was almost always with that tall Lupin boy.

For the way she would punch that girl with the weird hair- McKinnon.

For how she'd dance in the halls with that red-headed Evans girl.

For the way her face would grow reddish when laughing at that short Fortescue girl's jokes.

For the way her nose crinkled when she laughed at her friends' jokes.

For the high pitch of her voice.

For the way she hummed in class when working.

For the way she was quick to jump to the defense of those she loved.

He'd fallen for the long, dark brown-black waves.

He'd fallen for how messy it was.

He'd fallen for the dark green eyes, showing incomprehensible emotions deep within the swirling colors.

He'd fallen for the thin frame, the sloppy grins, the sweet laughter, the fluidity of of her words, for the teasing.

Evan Wells had fallen head over heels in love with Olivia Sato. And he wanted her to fall head over heels for him.

Evan Wells was friends with Frank Longbottom, and he was the Ravenclaw Seeker. He had a small, long frame, with messy blond curls around his soft face. His piercing blue eyes and olive skin complemented the light freckles across his cheeks.

He was smart; his quick wit and fast reactions got him into Ravenclaw, even as a mere 11-year-old. He always knew the exact words to say, and he knew when to say them.

Evan Wells was the perfect person for Ollie. Their humour was similar enough that they could relate to the other's jokes, and different enough that the jokes were original. Their personalities complemented each other; both rather laid back, one expressive and one more mysterious, one gentler and one bolder, one sweeter and one more spicy.

He knew what he had to make his move. And he was starting to know how.


A/N: Okay, this one's not filler or exposition like the last two. This one is a non-action-packed chapter that actually matters fully to the plot. It's also pretty short but whatever. See you in the next one loves and bye! - Cat < 3

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