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Nanon has three wishes.

One. Family. He wishes his family will always be happy, healthy, and together.

Two. Career. He wishes that he will continue to learn and grow with his career choice and that he will be able to make his fans happy and proud.

Three. Friends. His 2000s trio. He wishes he can be best friends forever with Chimon and Ohm.


At the start of 2022, everything seemed to be on the up and up. All his wishes were on track. He spent his holiday with his family, Bad Buddy and 55:15 Never Too Late were both still airing, and he had his best friends by his side. Chimon was always a given, but his relationship with Ohm took an accelerated track the last year and they've grown closer than Nanon ever thought possible.

Musing over his thoughts, he failed to miss the boy that was creeping up on him.

"Non!" He heard the familiar voice and name shouting right into his ear.

"Ahh!" He jolted up and gave into his baser instincts. He went straight for a smack right on the intruder's cheek. "Ohm! Can't you greet people normally?!"

His (slightly) taller friend chuckled mischievously and wrapped an arm around Nanon's shoulders. "This is normal for us!"

Nanon huffed exasperatedly and shook his head while rubbing his ear to soothe the ringing Ohm left behind. "As your friend, I'm sincerely telling you to not do this to anyone else."

Smirking, Ohm agreed easily, something Nanon has learned only spelled bad news for him. "Okay then~ I will only do this to you."

Rolling his eyes, he allowed himself a wry smile at the childish antics of his friend and tiptoed to peek over Ohm's shoulder. "Did Chimon come with you?"

"Nope! Chimon said we can meet up later tonight. He wanted to sleep instead."

He came back down to his heels and despite how much he liked the warmth, Nanon shrugged Ohm's arm off his shoulders. "Tsk. What kind of person abandons his friends for a nap?"

This was supposed to be their big hangout since it was rare that all three of them would have a day off.

Ohm watched as his younger friend pouted his lips into a small frown, the disappointment in his eyes so apparent that it tugged at his heart. He wanted nothing more than to see his friend smile again.

"Aw come on! It can't be that bad to hang out with just me right?" Ohm stooped lower to catch his eyes.

Nanon shuffled his shoes with his head still down when he felt his chin being tilted upwards by the soft pads of Ohm's large fingers.

"Non, don't be sad. Smile for me? I promise we will have a lot of fun today." His voice was low and soft, the kind that left a tickling feeling in Nanon's ears. His dark brown eyes brimming with so much sincerity that Nanon couldn't look away.

He bit his bottom lip and pretended to consider the offer. "Mhm..okay." With a meek nod, he smiled for the boy who was trying to cheer him up.

It wasn't that he didn't want to spend time with Ohm, but lately something was off.

It was like he couldn't be with the both of his best friends at the same place at the same time.

Which was odd, but Nanon really believed that hanging out together today would finally put that feeling to rest.

Regardless, Ohm was here with him, at this very moment, and he wanted to cherish this time with his friend.

Ohm's eyes narrowed with mirth at him, honing on to the little dimple that appeared on his friend's cheek. "Oho, I see that cute dimple again. Show me it more?"

And then it fucking happened again.

Ohm's fingers wandered from his chin, along his jaw, until he reached the back of his head, thumb against his ear as the pads of his fingers dug into his locks.

Nanon gasped, his breath stuck in his throat when his heart stopped, followed by a frenzied pitter patter, an increasingly frequent occurrence as of late.

Ohm smiled brighter at him as he ruffled his hair. "Well don't just stand there. Let's go eat first!"

Nanon gulped and nodded frantically while stepping back to put some distance between them before his rapid heartbeats gave him away.


This is what he meant by weird.

A best friend's heart doesn't beat faster because of another best friend.

"L-last one to the noodle shop pays!" Nanon sputtered before running off.

"Wait! Ai'Non!"

Ohm gave chase, but he didn't stand a chance against the football player.

Ohm didn't know what suddenly got into his friend, but watching Nanon laugh while goading him got him feeling all sorts of giddy.

There was one feeling that stood out to him though.

The one that told him to protect this smile.

No matter what the cost.


Hi all~ just a short little drabble type fic with my thoughts on this cute trio and some maybe budding feelings ☺️

Please let me know what you think with a vote or comment!

Thank you for reading ❤️

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