1.) Dinner and a Show

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Authors Note: Freya is an original character, not a reader insert, but please feel free to imagine yourself (it is more fun lol). Also, this story is loosely based around Norse mythology. Key word: loosely. Hope you enjoy this enemies to lovers loki fanfiction!!

My first kiss was ruined by Loki Odinson. It had been in his palace on Asgard, I had ducked behind the large fountain in the castle's center to meet with one of the nobleman's sons. I remember I had picked out one of my nicest dresses that I had brought from my home, Folkvangr. It had been a sunny day, the skies were absolutely clear, not a cloud in sight. The air smelt of the flowers that had been blooming since the day before.

His name was Jonah, he had sandy blonde hair and a crooked nose. He was practically dripping in finery for someone his age. His parents were rich, but what could I say? I was a goddess and a princess; a future queen. All I knew was that he kept smiling at me at dinner and when he did my stomach would get all fluttery and my hands would sweat. So when, after dinner, he slipped a note into my pocket asking if I would meet him the next day at the fountain, I had practically burst from excitement.

My hair had never looked so shiny or been so tangle-free from all the brushing I had done, my clothes had never been so straight, my makeup so effortless-looking. I had practically spent the entire morning in front of the mirror getting everything right...but Jonah didn't need to know that.

I went to that fountain and waited, switching between wringing my fingers together to bouncing up and down on my toes. When Jonah finally appeared, he had brought a little basket of food for us to share. We sat down at the lip of the fountain, and shared various meats and cheeses, giggling between bites of bread and sips of cider. It was absolutely perfect. But the whole time I couldn't stop glancing up at him, then –inevitably– down at his lips. I'd catch him doing it to me too, making my cheeks go all warm and my heart flutter against my collarbone.

When he kissed me, it was awkward. I think I had hyped it up too much in my mind, expecting him to sweep me off my feet and dip me broadly, kissing the breath out of me. But instead, our lips sort of clashed together, teeth clicking against one another. He sort of tasted weird, and his lips were dry. Not to mention he placed his hand directly on my boob. My fucking boob. The pervert.

But then he was shoved off of me, his hands grappling at my shoulder, which caused me to lose my balance and plummet into the fountain. Water rose up above me and shot up my nose and ears, some getting into my mouth.

I practically leaped out and started hacking, choking on the metallic taste from all the coins that were thrown in. My once beautiful, curled-to-perfection brown hair hanging in a mess around me. My dress was ruined. My makeup was smeared on my face. Everything that I had made perfect about myself was gone.

And when I looked up, I saw that Loki Odinson had his hands raised in front of him, his green eyes wide, lips parted slightly. He was sixteen then, I was only fourteen. He still had his boyish qualities about him, his body all angles and limbs, but that summer he had started to grow into himself. His pranks hadn't matured though, my soaked dress and my skin covered in fresh goosebumps assured that.

And then Loki grinned. An awful grin that looked like it had been cut into his face with a blade. And that's when I snapped.

"You dick!" I yelled, before thrusting my hands forward and letting a burst of golden power slam into him. He let out a surprised gasp as he soared backward, crashing into the wall. I didn't even really know if I had used "dick" in the right way, I had only ever really heard my brother use it before.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" he asked. Instead of groaning in pain, as he should have been, he was...smiling? Laughing? Gods above, he had to be kidding me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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