I felt the rush of adrenaline as Grindelwald began to fire spells, Tom and I kept deflecting and sending our own. Soon Grindelwald's men moved in around us sending their own curses. Tom quickly disposed of them by engulfing them within the shadows, allowing them to be lost forever, as he continued to fend off the curses from Grindelwald. I felt my breath coming in a short pant. It was clear that Grindelwald was still very much confident in himself and what he was doing, my bet is that he still thinks he has the original wand... let's change that.

With a flourish and flick of my wand I shot a spell at him, he took a staggering step back and glared at me, finally, finally he took notice of my wand. I watched as his face slightly paled, "Oh good. You noticed," I fake cheered with a wide grin. I watched as his mind made the connections, with a loud shout he shot a stream of light at me, I shot a spell from the top of my head back and our wands connected. I was expecting my spell to be red like oh so many times before, but no it was blue. I knew it well, it was a defensive spell called moene, the spell would send your opponent flying and leave them dizzy so that you could make a quick get away. Very usefull

I was startled when Grindelwald suddenly fell to the ground with a cry of pain, disconnecting the streams. I observed him in confusion and watched as he quickly began to bleed, I glanced at Tom to see him looking shocked, I looked around and instantly noticed the aurors coming in. I quickly began to act shocked as well as I watched Grindelwald slowly bleed out, I was trying to find where the stream of blood was coming from to no avail.

I was drawn out of my thoughts when I was thrown into a world of pain. I heard someone screaming as I fell to the ground consumed with the overflowing agony. I felt somebodies hands on me but they only seemed to afflict more of the torture. I soon realized that I was the one screaming. My vision was completely black, I opened my eyes and looked up at Toms worried face as I continued to writhe, he was yelling at someone but I could honestly careless right now. I squeezed my eyes back shut as the pain continued to course through my body. I felt the familiar feeling of Death and latched onto it. 


I watched as Grindelwald's stream connected to Hadrian's, I took my chance and sent a well aimed cutting hex to his femoral artery, at first he didn't react then blood began to gush from his wound sending him to the ground with a cry of pain. I felt satisfaction fill me as I watched him bleed out, I made myself look shocked as I noticed the aurors flooding into the scene. I felt my satisfaction completely disappear as a phantom pain shot through me, I heard Hadrian scream as he fell to the ground writhing in pain, I quickly fell to my knees next to him trying to get him to look at me.

His eyes shot open, he looked up at me his expression consumed with pain. I heard the stupid dark lord chuckled behind me. I whipped around and glared at him, "What did you do!" I bellowed as I held Hadrian close to me. The wretched man laughed again as he weakly layed on the ground continuing to bleed. "Excrucior ultione usque ad mortem, he'll die soon. For good," he cackled before he began to cough and choke. I turned away from him not caring if he died soon, I noticed that my love was still trembling, I quickly felt his pulse and felt it still barely pulsing.

I quickly scooped up my love and ran to a medic that was now at the sight, he took one glance at Hadrian before grabbing my shoulder and apparating us directly to the hospital. I allowed them to remove Hadrian from my arms but I followed them closely as they moved him to a room. They didn't allow me into the room while they performed spells and charms trying to save my lover.

I paced back and forth as I waited for the healer to come back out, I had sent a patronous to the goblin king notifying him of what happened. I let out a shaky breath as I continued to pace before being stopped by a female nurse, "S'il vous plaît, monsieur, asseyez-vous," (Please, sir, sit down) the nurse said as she gestured to a seat, I shook my head. Her smile faltered slightly before she gently touched my shoulder, "Je suis sûr que ton ami ira bien. Alors s'il vous plaît, asseyez-vous," (I'm sure your friend will be fine. So please sit down.) she gestured to the seat again, I felt my eyebrow twitch in irritation. "Non je ne vais pas m'asseoir. Mon amant est dans cetter pièce avec une malédiction sur lue dont je n'ai même jamais entendu parler! Maintenant laisse moi en paix femme," (No, I'm not going to sit down. My lover is in this room with a curse on him that I have never even heard of! Now leave me in peace woman,) I snarled, I watched as the womens whole face fell before she apologised and left.

I sighed in frustration as I continued to pace, soon I was greeted by a familiar face, Alnock. I sighed in relief as I quickly approached him, "Alnock thank Merlin you're here," Alnock only nodded. "What room?" he asked curtly, I gestured towards the room and he entered without knocking, he looked at me breifly before signaling me to follow. I rushed after him entering the room.

The doctors were all chanting desperatly over a too white Hadrian, I heard alnock snarl from beside me before he approached Hadrian. "Bougez, imbéciles, vous n'aidez pas. En plus, il est déjà mort, laisse-moi faire mon travail," ( Get moving, fools, you're not helping. Besides, he's already dead, let me do my job,) he snarled as he shooed the healers out of the room. I felt my face pale at what he said, "You can help him right," I didn't bother hiding my desperation in my voice, Alnock shrugged. "We will see, to be completely honest it depends solely on Hadrian, what I do is heal his body and mind. Nothing more," with that he began to hover his hands over Hadrian's body, his hands emitting a soft glow, I watched as his face morphed into horror as he withdrew his hands. "What? What is it?" I asked panicked. He shook his head before responding, "His magic is destroyed... only Death can fix him... even then I don't know what all the entity can do, he's not the giver of magic, it's a wild and unattainable thing," he shook his head sadly as he observed Hadrian's state.

"If I were you Lord Gaunt, I would take him home. Make him comfortable, and if he wakes up he'll be in a familiar place," the goblin said with a sad tone, I numbly nodded before carefully picking my precious up, I held him close as I shadow stepped us back to the manor. I felt emty as I looked down at my lover gently setting him down on the bed, I quickly changed his clothes to what I knew he found comfortable and tucked him into the blankets, I sat next to him holding his hand as I patiently waited for him to return to me.


I groaned as I sat up, I was in Purgatory and bloody hell I feel like ass. I groaned as I slowly stood, I glanced around me to notice that Death wasn't here to mock me per usual. My brows furrowed slightly as I began to walk, I then noticed something. Something very not good. The station was completely empty, only souls that were meant to move on to the after life saw an empty train station, I on the other hand always saw the millions, upon millions of souls within the 'station'. I felt panic swell in me as I began to sprint. I heard a dark chuckle and whipped around, it was Grindelwald he was smiling evilly at me. "What did you do to me?" I snarled as I charged at him, he simply side stepped avoiding me. "I replaced you. Although I will carry on to the after life, so will you. Together we'll rot," he laughed manically as he continued to walk. I growled as I tackled him to the ground, "No we're not!" I shouted before punching him in the face.

I don't know how long I've been here beating the crap out of the dark wizard but suddenly someone was pulling me off, "Really Master? I leave you alone for four hours and you beat up the soul of Gellert Grindelwald? Really?" I looked up in shock to see Death, I felt relief flood me, I quickly glanced around noticing that there still wasn't any soul. "Death where are all the souls?" I asked. The diety sighed before setting me back down waving his hand at Grindelwald causing him to disappear. "Well I had to go speak to an old friend after what Gellert Grindelwald did to you, let's just say she wasn't too happy and told me to fuck off. But while I was visiting with her the souls just kind of sorted themselves with a quiz that I made fairly simple really. Gellert was the only stubborn bastard not willing to take it" he shook his head as he huffed in irritation. He began to walk towards the office me close on his heels.

"What did he do to me?" I asked hesitantly, I watched as Death stopped walking he turned to me his skull looking depressed, "He destroyed your magic and soul. The soul I can fix no problem obviously but... well magic is going to be a bit of an issue..." I raised my brow at him, "How is that going to be an issue?" Death sighed as he ran a skeletal hand down his face, "I am the keeper of souls Master, no matter how shattered they are when I get them, I can always fix them up and do what I do best, harvest them. Whereas magic doesn't necessarily come with the souls, I cannot fix magic, and I've never needed to until now," he let out a frustrated groan.  "Magic is a very fickle thing you see, it's wild and acts on it's own more than half the time, there isn't a diety to control it after all... well not anymore at least. So I went to see what I could do to try and fix it," I eagerly nodded as he spoke, "And? Did you?" I asked with hope, he hesitated slightly before shaking his head sullenly.

"No. I'm sorry Master but as of right now you're going to have to stay dead."

2700 Words

A/N - Happy New Year!

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