Chapter One

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June 1996

Hermione had been aware she was not technically awake. Try as she might, her eyelids felt too heavy to open, and her head was throbbing so harshly she saw stars.

What she could do was hear screaming and yelling around her. She wasn't too sure what the arguing was actually about- most likely their break out of Hogwarts to fight at the ministry. That was probably why she was knocked out; she couldn't honestly remember what happened after they had made it to the ministry. The Death Eaters were far more experienced than them, and the only thing on her mind at the time was saving Harry.

Another harsh stab ricocheted through her skull, and she could hear a calm voice.


Yes. She thought. I'm right here.

She tried to pry her eyes open again and was attacked by blinding lights. Her hand flew up to protect herself, and she gasped in pain. She slowly opened them again under the protection of her palm and peeked through her fingers to see a blurred outline.

There were people surrounding her for sure; she couldn't quite tell who yet; she must have been out longer than she thought. She still wasn't sure where she was.

"Miss. Granger, do try to relax. You were in an accident at the department of mysteries but are safe here at Hogwarts now." 

A figure in front of her, Dumbledore, she was sure He didn't have the type of voice that blended in. She blinked rapidly, trying to bring him into focus. It was disconcerting not to be able to see who was around her. Briefly, she wondered if this was what Harry noticed when he didn't wear his glasses and thought she needed to research again and see if she could find some spell to help his vision; this was torture. 

Rubbing her eyes again, Hermione felt confident her vision was getting there as she could now see the scene in front of her. Dumbledore was in front of her, with Sirius and Snape glowering at each other behind him. Madam Pomfrey had rushed over to administer some foul-tasting potion and deliver her a glass of water.

"Hermione," Sirius whispered, his voice sounding hoarse and worn, walking away from Snape to sit beside her. "You really scared us there, Kiddo."

"Kiddo?" She wrinkled her nose. "Where's Harry?"

"Safe. As is everyone else, you got the brunt of it."

"Oh. How long was I out?"

"Just overnight to heal some injuries. Fret not, my Dear," Dumbledore spoke up, his blue eyes void of their usual twinkle.

Hermione felt an unfamiliar rush of hot panic fluttering inside her. Something was off. Why were Snape and Sirius at her sickbed?

"She's not completely stupid, Albus; the child knows somethings going on. It is not as though she would expect Black or I to be hovering over her in an infirmary," Professor Snape drawled from the end of her bed, speaking her thoughts aloud. "You may as well tell her."

"Tell me what?"

The three men glanced around at each other as if to decide who would give the news. 

"Hermione, if I had known, I would have done something years ago. God, I mean even before Azkaban, I could've-" Sirius started, choking up as he spoke while a scoff cut him off.

"Could have what? It is not as though you knew what was going on. Not after cutting all contact with them," Professor Snape hissed, stalking towards where Sirius sat.

"I should have been told!" Sirius screamed, "How dare you keep this a secret from me! From her?"

"Gentlemen, please," Dumbledore effectively cut them off either with his tone that left nothing up for discussion or a silent Silencio. "Miss. Granger, last night we became aware of a situation that I confess shocked even myself. I want to ask, Miss Granger, were you aware you were adopted?"

"Of course, she isn't Albus; I modified the Muggles' memories when I placed her." Snape snapped at him before Hermione had a chance to disagree with Dumbledore. 

"I'm not adopted," Hermione cut in. "My parents-"

"Miss. Granger, I placed you under the protection of your muggle parents years ago when you were only a toddler. I'm sorry to say that they are not your biological parents." Professor Snape said with no emotion. 

Well, that couldn't be right. Her parents were her parents! They had raised her, and she looked like them. And if Snape placed her, that would mean she wasn't a muggle-born...

"Miss. Granger, at the battle last night, you set a reaction to the time turners in the department of mystery. Now, no one is quite sure what you did, but the reaction caused someone we thought long dead to appear." Professor Dumbledore started.


"Eleanora Potter."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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