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The following days were fairly easy, Paul and I got on okay. "Nicole, get in here. I thought you wanted to watch this movie." Paul calls from the living room. I stand in the bathroom, getting ready to leave. "I said tomorrow night. Sam said I could hang out with Quil today." I state, walking out. Quil and I finally started talking again. "You're not going out dressed like that." He says, scanning me over. "It's a tank top and shorts, get over yourself." I snap, starting to walk past him. He grabs my hips, throwing me over his shoulder. "Absolutely not." He walks us into the bedroom.

He drops me onto the bed, reaching into my bag and pulling out a sweatshirt. "Put this on." "No." I cross my arms over my chest, glaring at him. "Put it on." He growls. I huff, ripping it out of his hands before pulling it over my head. "I'm leaving." I snap, pushing past him and walking out. I slam the front door behind me but it's pulled open and I'm yanked back. "Go through that again, this time like a normal person." He growls. I close the door behind me, hard but not as rough as before. I grumble to myself about him being an ass as I walk to Sam's. I walk in, smiling at Emily. "Hey."

Emily smiles, motioning to the table. "Quil should be here in a few minutes." I go to sit when someone runs into the room, picking me up and spinning me around in a hug. "I missed you!" Quil states as I wrap my arms around him. I breathe in his scent, it's stronger now that I'm a wolf, but he hasn't changed, he still smells like his musky cologne. "I missed you." I mumble against his neck. He laughs, it rumbles through his chest as he sets me down. "You ready to hang out? We can watch that movie you've been talking about." He says. "Oh my God. Really?" I ask, my smile widening.

Paul pops into my head. "Actually, I promised Paul I'd watch it with him." I say. Surprise passes over Quil's features. "Oh, well that's okay. We can watch The Office 'til you have to go back." He smiles, motioning me to follow him into the living room. "Do we have to hang out here?" I question. "Sam's rules. One more rule, another wolf has to be with us, Embry or Jake?" I groan. "Embry." A few minutes later and Embry struts in, picking me up and setting me in his lap. "What's up little wolf?" He grins when I turn to look at him. "Hey." I smile, leaning back against him, my legs in Quil's lap.

A few hours later and my phone rings. I had recently given Paul my number so when he went out and I was home if I needed him I could get to him. Paul flashes across the screen, confirming my suspicions. "I probably gotta get going." I state before answering. "Home." Is all Paul says before he hangs up. My brows furrow but I nod, standing. "I'll see you guys around." I kiss Quil's cheek before being pulled over by Embry. "Where's my kiss, princess?" I laugh, kissing his cheek as well. "I really do have to get going." I say. I say my goodbyes to Emily and Sam before leaving completely.

I walk up to Paul's, stopping short when I see the car in the driveway. "No way. Absolutely not." I growl, slamming the door open and glaring at the man standing in front of me. "Nicole!" Andy grins, turning to see me. My fist flies out before I can stop myself, snapping his head to the side before Paul rushes over, pinning my arms to my sides. He holds me to his chest, attempting to calm me down. "Don't stoop to his level." He whispers in my ear. Andy holds his jaw, he looks furious. "I drive all the way down here and this is the way you react? There's something wrong with you."

"There's something wrong with you." I hiss. "You cheat on me and expect me to be waiting on you, arms wide open? You're wrong. I've been waiting for weeks to hit your ass." I snap, smirking, struggling in Paul's grip. "Quit it, Nicole." "I cheated?" Andy growls. "You're the one living with some dude I've never met who walks around shirtless!" "Some girl answered your phone and you promised her there was no one else!" I shout, thrashing in Paul's grip, wanting nothing more than to smack the smug look of Andy's face. Then, his face drops, paling completely. "Oh." "Oh is right." I snap at him.

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