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It was now April, and Vicky didn't really have many friends, since at school she couldn't really talk to anyone for too long unless it was for help.

Of course, due to this, her parents just asked if she wanted to be homeschooled or put in an alternative school but she insisted she stay.

As for Lori and Donny, they were usually not home, either working or traveling to different cities. Sometimes they brought Vicky along, others they didn't.

Lori and Donny often brought her with them to dinners so their business partners and workers could meet her. Vicky was wandering around the city after coming from an art supplies store, making it to a more secluded area that so happened to be the Musashi Shrine.

Unfortunately, she was wearing the brightest of pinks and glitter on her shirt and caught the gang of delinquent boys who surrounded the place's attention. She noticed the boys all looked about her age or older but in all honesty, she thought they were scary looking.

So, she kept walking around, only to find herself back in a circle.

"...Huh? I just- Ooh!"

This time there weren't as many boys there so she decided to go ask if they could help her out with directions. "Uhh, hii!" She waved to the boys as she came over.


Immediately her eye caught a boy who went to the same school as she did. "Kay, so... Oh! I know you! Hi, Takemichi!" She beamed. The others turned to him. "I met you and your friends, remember? I accidentally slipped down the stairs and you and your friends helped me. Also, Kazushi tutors me and I met you againn. Did I tell you my name? I forgot."

"Oooh yeah. You did. Vicky, was it?"

"YEAH!" Her voice squeaked. "Anyways, um, I got bored and got lost here, I was wondering if you guys could help me because I went in an entireee circle." They all looked at her with a confused look.

It wasn't like it was hard to get from where they were back to the streets especially since there were signs but to her it was like a maze and she couldn't fully read the signs yet.

"Are you dumb?"


"What? I was just asking!"

"Ummm, I'd say I'm pretty bright." Vicky grinned confidently. "Sorry about him. We'll help you in a minute just... Sit and wait."

Vicky did as the tall blonde boy said, sitting on the ground in criss-cross. The group sighed in unison. "Over here."

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