Scarlet | Thorne

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Scarlet: Did you know...that "Thorne is such a big flirt"?
Thorne: Umm...
Scarlet: And "he has these big, blue, handsome eyes that just..." *sigh*
Thorne: Why are you talking in third person, Scar?
Scarlet: *smirks* Because "aces, he's so hot".
Scarlet: "Can he just marry me already?"
Scarlet: "Stars, I want to just se-"
Thorne: Okay, TMI, Scarlet.
Scarlet: You really don't get it.
Thorne: Nope.
Scarlet: Even heard of the "Mrs. Thorne League"?
Thorne: *raises eyebrow*
Scarlet: *laughs*

STL=Slap Them Lunars

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