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Request by: crksupremacy
(Would be a bit short and fluffy with a bit of kissing.) :)

Also yeah this chapter's a different vibe and writing style. So no plot summary, just enjoy.

(Chris x Female! Reader)


Moonlight seeps onto the dimly-lit room. An [H/c] female figure lays arest on the comfort of her bedsheets; awaiting for her dearest to arrive. Minutes seem to seep from from her hands as what was once a deep orange sky transformed into one of darkness. Finally getting up, she headed downstairs.

Downstairs was remarkably more darker; Alike to suspense. Clicking her phone for light, she pointed it forward, once again walking. Her hands came in contact with various light switches, all creating a satisfying 'click!' before lighting up the once darkened areas.

The female felt temporary satisfaction at their task, I mean, What was more terrifying than walking in the dark, and thinking that something -- is out to get you? Sometimes, they would either leave some switches or leave the whole house unlit because of this certain fear -- especially the BACKDOOR. Though when she does turn on all the lights, she'll always have this small happiness afterwards.

A happiness, alike to someone comforting you after a scary experience of watching a fictional horror, to her -- even if being scared made her vulnerable, she appreciates her dearest for comforting her and making her feel better.


Wait a second.

Where was her dearest?


[Name]'s calm and somber demeanor remained, though her curiosity began to rise.

Did he go somewhere?

I mean, it was her dearest after all. He's been almost everywhere ever since they both were kids, with her accompanying him almost always causing mischief here and there. She did understand on how adventurous both of them were when they were little. [Name] really did miss the nostalgic taste of their childhood -- even if she mostly spent it on playfully teasing her sweetheart, but she wouldn't go back just to taste that experience again.

Suddenly, she got a small ping on her phone.

Her eyes immediately scanned the message. Her once excited (and sparkling) eyes turned into a questioning one.

Jet Airlines

Yo [n/n] u seen chris?

Jet's message left her a bit confused, though immediately replying back;

1st Class Passenger

I thought he was with you?

Jet Airlines

Nah he left me. :(

Haha really?

100.97% legit :)

That just made you even
more suspicious.




Now answer.

No srsly he decided to
go home early.


Ok then

Suddenly, knocking was heard. She typed in her phone, Immediately putting it down, she turned to the still knocking door. Her once bored expression erupted immediately into one of joy, excitement, and happiness. [Name] headed towards the door, opening it, and immediately engulfing her sweetheart in a hug.

Though instead, she was ALMOST face to face with the cold grassy ground. Flushing at her quite embarrassing attempt on hugging her apparent "Non-existent" dearest, looking around frantically if anyone saw her actions. Which were none.

Cursing under her breath, [Name] finally got inside and closed the door, only to be met with a sudden warm embrace. The female let out an audible gasp, though she turned to the mysterious hugger.

It was none other than her sweetheart.

A wave of Joy and Relief got over [Name] as she gives Chris a small peck. On which Chris caressed her cheek and give her a small smooch. [Name] giggled as she lets go from his loving embrace, her expression turning one into curiosity,

"Where have you been Chris?" She asked. Chris stared at her and chuckled, "Just hanging out." He replied as he and [Name] go to the table, which were now for full plastic bags. Did she really take that long outside? Or was it that Chris is very fast? She didn't mind both at all.

In fact, she appreciates it.


After Both lovers decided to talk while putting away some groceries, both of them were on their shared bed. [Name] was sleeping peacefully whilst her lover sat next to her, caressing her face and giving her small pecks all over her.

Though this caused the once sleeping [Name] to wake up and tackle Chris, cupping his cheeks, and inching both of their faces closer to each other.

[Name] felt a burning yet warming sensation, her mind going all over the place, as she and Chris continued to hold their kiss. Both lovers part for air, as both of them smashed their lips together, yet rougher.

Chris looks at [Name]'s currently blank-minded face, it seemed like she was really in the moment. He felt a warmer sensation than last time, as his tongue explored [Name]'s very own. Arms that was once in her waist travelled lower down, giving her backside a squeeze.

[Name] gasped, though their heated make-out session was cut short by both lovers parting one last time, a line of saliva connected from both lover's lips emerged.

Chris gave his sweetheart a small peck on her cheek,

"Goodnight [N/name]."


Well I hope you enjoy today's update! See you all later! :)

Also I was going for fluffy route and didn't really focus much on details, (like how less I used [Name] or [H/c])

"Artificial Stars" Ejen Ali x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ