"I've always got your back."

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Karya fluff requested by saltulis

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Karya fluff requested by saltulis

Setting: Post S1-S2, Karya tries to make [Name] more relaxed and take a break from their jobs overall.

Also I am not really experienced at cooking, so my writing about it would be based on what I think It would be like or literal instructions.

Also sorry if it seems romantic- It isn't supposed to be lmao it's one of those friends help their sleep deprived friend.

WARNINGS: None. Just fluff.

This is on Karya's POV :v

(Agent Karya + Gender Neutral! Reader)

"Today's classes are canceled, Students may leave. All teachers please assemble to the Conference room." I spoke to the microphone, letting go of the button, a small 'click' being heard. I dusted my pale yellow shirt and adjusted my light umber tie, as I got up and opened the door.

The walk to the conference wasn't really eventful, a herd of students racing and pushing eachother to the exit, a few greetings from here and there. I halted at a big brown door, and placed my hand on the wall. Then suddenly, a scanner became visible. I placed my hand, before it made a small 'beep'. I was then greeted by multiple 'teachers' on their seats.

"Oh hey there... Karya. Come in." [Name] said with slight drowsiness on their voice. I got inside and sat next to [Name], though something was off. I observed their face, they had bigger eyebags, their hair is a bit disheveled along with their outfit. A worried frown made its way on my face,

"...H-huh? Is there something in my..." [Name] yawned audibly, "...face?" They continued. I shook my head and pat their shoulder, "Let's talk later." I said.

The next few minutes was me trying to keep [Name] awake and for them to avoid napping on the table. A moment of silence was present before...

"So Mr. Karya, what's the purpose of this sudden meeting?" Mr. Ru asked, looking directly at me. I sighed,

"You see," I pressed a button on the huge table, showing a holographic projection of the map of Cyberaya,

"...The attacks have been getting worse, and are getting near to multiple Headquarters and this Highschool." I said. Then, I felt a flinch next to me, looking at [Name], I placed a hand in their shoulder to calm them.

"Hm. I see, Carry on." Mr. Ru said, I looked at everyone at the room before clicking various buttons,

"I suggest to cancel classes until these attacks stop. So we can avoid students here getting hurt." I reasoned, the holographic projector showing a text school announcement.

All teachers nodded, "They'll do their activities and homework at home instead. It'll be a bit difficult to pull off, but it will be fine for now." Ms. Corrie said. There was another moment of silence before Mr. Ru stood up,

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