Chapter 65: Gringotts

Start from the beginning

The goblin from the desk returned with a more senior goblin who studied Hermione carefully, "Madam Lestrange, would you mind presenting your wand?" You felt your stomach drop, they must know it had been stolen and this must be a trick. You hoped Hermione realised that too, since you couldn't warn her.

"And why should I do that?" she asked, clearly stalling.

The goblin tried to reason with her, and he was clearly afraid in case she wasn't an imposter, "it's the bank's policy! I'm sure you understand, given the current climate." Harry tugged on your sleeve and you linked your arm through his again as he walked the three of you towards the desk.

"No! I most certainly do not understand!" Hermione responded with as much venom as she could manage but you could see the fear in her, well, Bellatrix's eyes as you approached the side of the desk.

"I'm afraid, I must insist," he told her, not giving in. Harry slipped his wand from his belt and pointed it at the goblin, then he whispered, "Imperio!"

You gaped at your friend in surprise, but as the blissful look of the trance crossed the goblin's face, you realised that however unethical it was, it was necessary if the plan was to work.

"Very well, Madam Lestrange. If you will follow me," the goblin said and you sighed in relief. You watched Fred scan the space beside him subtly, as if he could catch a glimpse of you, but then George followed Ron and Hermione and gave him a look that told him to follow too.

As soon as you left the main hall of the bank, Griphook gestured for you to take off the Invisibility Cloak, which you did, and then Harry let him down to the floor as he walked over to his fellow goblin, Bogrod, who was staring around in a daze.

You shoved Harry's cloak back into your bag and walked over to Fred who smiled in relief at seeing you again, and he took your hand in his as Griphook led you all to what looked like a large mining cart on a track.

Minutes later you were all squeezed onto the cart as it hurtled across the tracks into the depths of Gringotts' caves and you made the mistake of looking down, seeing endless rocks beneath you. You gasped and closed your eyes, and Fred held you closer to him as the cart continued to move across the twisting tracks.

Griphook drove the cart with expert precision and Harry pointed out a large waterfall ahead of you, "what is that, Griphook?" but the goblin was too occupied trying to brake the cart before hitting the water so he didn't answer, but it screeched to a stop too late and you were drenched by the falling water. The cart stopped and you looked at the others, you saw that Fred and George's beards were gone, and their hair was red again, and you twisted around to see that Hermione looked like herself again.

"The disguises," you whispered in horror and Hermione's eyes widened and she reached up to feel her hair and face, which were now her own. A loud siren suddenly blared through the rocky chambers and the bottom of the cart opened, sending you all plummeting downwards.

"Arresto Momentum!" you and Hermione both yelled at the same time, and you all stopped inches from the solid rock below you, and then you let everyone drop safely to the ground. You lay on your front with your face lying against the damp rock and then you pulled yourself up onto your knees to look around at the others.

"Quick thinking, guys," Harry said with a groan as he and the rest of your friends all got up. Harry looked at Hermione and his eyes widened, "oh no, you look like you again!" Hermione grimaced, already knowing this since you'd warn her before being dropped from the cart.

"Thief's Downfall," Griphook explained, "it washes away all enchantments. Can be deadly."

"You don't say!" Ron exclaimed snappishly and you all looked around at the surrounding caverns.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now