Lunch out with the fam

Start from the beginning

Just like that, she made him feel better. He honestly didn't know how he'd manage without her and he gave her a thankful little smile, "thanks Olly."

"Maybe I should leave a pile of signed photos of myself at the bar," she grinned, nudging herself into him.

"Give her half a chance and she'd do that! You've always been one to blow your own trumpet, haven't you Olly!" Janice chuckled as the waitress came over to take their order.

"I work in Formula One, you've got to be a bit full of yourself to survive, there's no room for shrinking violets," she defended herself while her dad reeled off his order to the pretty brunette waitress.

"If you shrunk anymore we'd need a magnifying glass to see you," Seb teased, setting his menu down now he'd decided what he was having.

"God, you're such a comedian!" She exclaimed sarcastically, jokingly holding her sides as if she was pain with laughter.

"Hang on, rewind," Janice twirled her hand in the air, "did you just say that you work in Formula One? Have you got yourself a job?"

"I'm becoming a trainee all over again, I'm going to be a part of Seb's pit crew," she announced proudly. While it wasn't the job she was qualified for and wanted, it was still a job and a good wage and it also meant that she'd be able to travel with Seb and not worry about the cost of flights.

"Christ, are you letting her near your race car again Seb? You must be mad!" Neil joked while his wife was next to order her food.

Seb looked at Olivia fondly, his pretty red haired friend, his guardian Angel, "I trust her totally, I trust her with my life and she knows that," he admitted, letting her green eyes anchor him and make him feel completely safe and looked after.

And I trust you too, you've got my heart in your hands and you don't even know it but I trust you with it, I know you'd never break it, Olivia thought as she gazed in to his beautiful blue eyes. You've got my heart and yet you don't even want it.

Seb diverted his gaze to the waitress who was now standing by Olivia's side, her pen poised expectantly over her little order pad. He didn't know why his friend was staring at him like she was, he couldn't put it down to her being starstruck, they'd known each other and been around each other for so long that she was way past that now.

"Olivia?" Janice stuck her foot out underneath the table and prayed that she wasn't about to kick Seb instead of her daughter. As her foot lightly tapped Olivia's leg it made her snap out of her apparent Seb-induced trance and she blushed an almost crimson red as she picked up her menu to hastily make her choice.

Neil exchanged a knowing look with his wife, this wasn't the first time they'd caught their daughter looking at Seb in a way that went far beyond the friend zone and it wouldn't be the last. Olivia had never spoken about her feelings for the German, she had too much respect for his late wife and for Seb himself who they feared would be a long, long time before he felt ready to date anyone again which was a shame because Janice felt like Seb and Olivia would make quite a cute couple. It was something that neither herself or Neil would push for, not when there was such a close friendship at stake if things went wrong.

Olivia's eyes scanned over the menu quickly, her cheeks feeling so hot that she knew they'd be glowing and very noticeable. The words and letters in front of her all seemed to meld into one long, jumbled up mess as she struggled to concentrate while wanting to die of embarrassment, almost certain that she'd made a complete idiot of herself and given away the secret feelings she had for Seb who decided to jump in and order his food to help her and stop her from getting flustered.

"I'll have the goat's cheese, kale and beetroot pearl barley risotto please and a sparkling mineral water," he smiled at the waitress as a look of recognition flashed in her eyes. No doubt there'd be more requests for his signature later on. As he handed her his menu, he wondered what had made Olivia blush so fiercely and if she knew that she was trying to read her menu upside down. He gently pulled it from her grasp and then turned it the right way for her while quietly saying, "I think it'd help if you hold it this way up Olly," and slipping back into her grasp.

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