New year, new team

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"Oooh this is posh!" Olivia made her way around the black Aston Martin DBX, running her fingers over the shiny paintwork and collecting the drops of water from the earlier rain on her way.

After thanking the woman who'd given him the key, Seb watched Olivia as she skipped around the car with childlike enthusiasm. A smile curved his lips; she'd been in cars with him plenty of times before; cars like the Infiniti's he'd been given during his time at Red Bull and the Ferrari's he'd been lucky enough to drive during his years with the Scuderia (especially the matte black one with the personalised seats) and even now she still approached every car with the same excitement as she had the first one and she still got excited about being in a car driven by him. He'd never quite understood that part, he didn't view himself as anyone special, he didn't see himself as some kind of star, he was just Seb from Heppenheim, Germany.

She grinned as her finger squeaked along the driver's side door panel, looking through the window at the plush leather seats and luxurious, tech-laden interior. Feeling his gaze on her, she looked his way. As their eyes met she smiled warmly, noticing his smile. It wasn't the big beaming smile that people had been used to seeing at the race tracks but it was a smile nonetheless and that made her happy. Ever since Heidi's death it hadn't been too often that Seb had smiled but it was happening more and more just lately.

"Are you done?" He asked, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he pressed a button on the key fob to unlock the car.

"I've given it a once over, it'll do," Olivia drawled nonchalantly, giving a little shrug of her shoulders for emphasis before opening the door and hopping into the driver's seat. "Oooh, this is comfy!" She exclaimed, wriggling her behind in the seat after dumping her bag in the passenger side footwell as he walked over.

"You're not driving, not today," he gestured with his thumb for her to vacate the seat.

"Oh come on, please!" She pouted her lips and batted her eyelashes at him, both of her hands securely holding onto the steering wheel, like a child clinging on to her favourite toy.

He chuckled, she actually looked quite at home in the car, it seemed to suit her but as they were heading to the HQ of his new team he felt that it was only right that he drove. After all, Aston Martin had loaned him the car for his use while he was in the country so he should at least be seen to be driving it. "I'll make you a deal," he said, hoping to make her vacate the seat a bit quicker.

"Ok, I'm listening.....from the comfy driver's seat!" She giggled.

"We'll go out and grab a takeout later and you can drive then, deal?"

"A takeout? Antti will love you!" She replied sarcastically, knowing that he really should be sticking to his diet plan now that he was technically 'back to work'.

As she went to get out of the car, he took hold of her hands to help her, "Antti won't find out and be careful getting out of the car, it's a long way down for you if you fall out."

"Taking the piss out of my height again? Antti will definitely find out now!" She laughed as she landed safely on the tarmac.

"You won't tell him, you love me too much!" He smiled again as he took his place in the driver's seat.

Hearing him shut the door, she made her way around the car to the passenger side, her smile briefly fading. Yeah, you've got that right. That's my problem, I actually do love you but you'll always see me as nothing more than a friend.

"Need a ladder getting in?" The question was asked the second she opened the door and she raised a brow before breaking out into another smile. Seb seemed to be in a good mood today, like he was in a good place mentally. It was something that she'd noticed about him more and more since he'd been released from Ferrari at the end of the last season and she hoped that he would continue to get better and better.

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