Lunch out with the fam

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"Here they are!! Oh Olivia I've missed you!!" Janice threw her arms around her daughter before she'd barely stepped through the door and hugged her tightly, rocking from side to side.

"Muuuuuum," she complained in a muffled groan, scarcely able to breathe through the combination of her mask and her mother's bear hug, "we saw each other at Christmas and New Year in Germany, it's only been about ten days!"

"I know...." Janice held her daughter at arms length, "but how often is it that you come to England these days? It's so lovely for me to see my baby girl on home soil!" She pulled her in for another hug, her eyes settling on her daughter's best friend who stood there looking a little uneasy. Releasing Olivia immediately, she then turned her attention to the German, who was already gaining looks and attention from astonished, open mouthed onlookers, "Sebastian! So good to see you again!!"

He embraced the older woman who, with her long red hair, green eyes and short stature was the spitting image of her daughter. It was way too obvious where Olivia got her looks from. Janice was almost like a surrogate mother to him, a woman who he'd jokingly refer to as his second mom. In fact, both of Olly's parents kind of felt like they were his too. "Hi Janice, good to see you too."

"Come and sit down, Neil has got us our usual table in the corner, then you can tell us all about yesterday and how your first day with your new team went." Ignoring the curious looks from all around them, she led him and Olivia through the main bar of the Royal Oak pub and into a quieter dining room where their table was tucked away in the corner and sheltered by a dividing screen which offered them a bit more privacy - something that Seb was very grateful for as they removed their masks and coats and sat down.

Unfortunately for him it wasn't long before someone came up to the table and asked for his autograph and a photo and never one to say no to a race fan, he obliged and rose from his seat. This started off a steady stream of requests which went on for around half an hour until Olivia decided to speak up as blonde woman, whose tits were making a bid for freedom from her pale blue top, tottered over on ridiculously high heels and batted her eyelashes at Seb, making him shift uncomfortably in his seat. He'd never get used to female admirers, it always felt like he was betraying his wife.

"I'm sorry but we're just here to enjoy a meal with family and he's spent half an hour signing for people as it is. We'd really like to eat now and would really appreciate it if you could leave us to get on with our evening," Olivia tried to smile, not wanting to sound too stuck up or unkind but inside she was feeling protective of Seb and could tell that this woman was unintentionally making him feel uncomfortable.

The blonde looked unimpressed and eyed Olivia with distaste - what was someone like Sebastian Vettel doing with someone as ordinary looking as the red haired woman sitting next to him, with her mumsy cream blouse and plain-Jane looks? "What are you? His bodyguard?" She asked, raising a well kept brow.

"She's just asked you nicely if you'll leave us to get on with our evening," Neil spoke up, feeling defensive over his daughter and her best friend.

"Please," Seb spoke up too, feeling quite awkward and out of place and as if he was ruining the evening just by being here, "I'm just here to have a meal with a friend and her family."

Olivia smarted at the word friend, it was yet another reminder that he'd never see her as anything more than just that.

Thankfully the blonde got the message and walked away, leaving Seb feeling like he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him. He mumbled a quick, "sorry," before picking up his menu to hide his face in.

"Don't apologise," Olivia put a hand on his shoulder, "it's not your fault that I'm so famous and damn popular that people try to go through you to get to me."

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