“You were also here when they were born?” Su Hang asked.

“Of course, ah. I even held them before you did.” Li QingYuan still remembered that day. Shen Xi had given birth to two children in a row and was in so much pain she almost passed out. Su Hang had left YouYou and ZuoZuo in dislike, so Li QingYuan ended up holding the two little boys before their father.

“You said...she’s your goddaughter?” Su Hang seemed to have realized that Li QingYuan mentioned this when they left the ward.

“You can’t go back on it!” Li QingYuan hurriedly told him. “When ZuoZuo and YouYou were born, I wanted to be their godfather, but you told me to get my own child. How can I get a child when I don’t even have a partner, ah! Let me have this! Sister-in-law promised that she’ll be my goddaughter seven months ago, ah. No take backs!”

“I’m not taking it back.” Su Hang solemnly told him. “You’re her godfather. In fact, you can be the godfather of all three of my children.”

“What? Why so generous?” Li QingYuan was shocked that his friend was suddenly so talkative.

“QingYuan, thank you.” Su Hang wanted to say this the moment he saw Li QingYuan today. Because if Li QingYuan hadn’t told Shen Xi that he had secretly loved her, then Shen Xi wouldn’t have accepted him so quickly, and he wouldn’t have this wonderful dream.

“Why all this all of a sudden?” Li QingYuan blinked. He didn’t feel like he had done anything particularly noteworthy recently. Was it because he helped take care of the two boys yesterday? But he had helped with the two boys in other instances, and Su Hang hadn’t been anywhere as polite.

“I just wanted to thank you.” Su Hang told him with grateful eyes.

“Cough...I didn’t do anything big, no need to be so polite.” Li QingYuan was so frightened he began to stammer. “W-well, I’m off to work. I’m...I’ll come back tomorrow.”

Su Hang watched Li QingYuan leave, then turned his head and continued to stare at his daughter across the glass window. She really did look much better compared to yesterday. Su Hang wished that this dream world would move faster. He wanted to watch her grow up, become a sweet and lovely little girl who called him father...he wanted to send her to kindergarten, primary school, middle school, high school...and then finally hand her off on her wedding day to some stinky boy.

“Mr. Su, are you here to pick up your baby?” A nurse found Su Hang staring down at his daughter and asked him with a smile.

“Is she cleared to leave the pediatrics ward?” Su Hang asked.

“Yes, she’s a healthy little girl and has been cleared to be transferred. I was just about to bring her to her mother.” The nurse replied.

“Can I push the crib?” Su Hang looked at the crib the nurse had been pushing.

“Of course.” The nurse smiled.

And so, Su Hang pushed the pink baby stroller back to Shen Xi’s room. His daughter, who still couldn’t open her eyes, could only move her hands and feet during this brief trip.

When the father-daughter pair entered Shen Xi’s room, ZuoZuo and YouYou were surprised. Although they didn’t like that they had fallen out of favor because of her, when they saw the little bundle in the crib, they just couldn’t bring themselves to dislike their sister. In the end, everyone spent the day in harmony.

At lunch, Father and Mother Shen arrived to spend some time with their grandchildren.

Shen Xi accepted the lunch her mother had brought, then turned to Su Hang. “Take ZuoZuo and YouYou out to eat lunch.”

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