Prank gone wrong

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⚠️Warnings: blood (although it is fake), PTSD?? I don't know if that counts as a warning.⚠️

Jughead's POV
You see me and Betty do this annual thing, almost like a tradition where we prank each other at any time of the year. Since our life is so crazy we don't really think if it's a prank or not when it happens. Last year she did this hickey prank and I nearly left the house in tears, her finding someone better than me, which is very very possible (Not true btw) is one of my worst nightmares, and she felt so bad. So this year I'm going to do one of her greatest fears which is seeing her loved ones hurt. When I broke my arm once she was so scared for me that she literally stayed by my side 24/7 or when Brett tried to murder me and frame her for it. Gosh she was terrified but anyway I needed revenge!!! So as my prank of the year I am going to pretend to fall and hit my head on our counter. It's a new thing on YouTube and I want to try it out. I even bought fake blood. This is going to be great. She gets home in about half an hour so I asked Toni to come over to do my gash for my head because she's amazing at fake wounds (even though Lili is the one who is absolutely fantastic at making fake injuries!!!) I then put fake blood on the corner of the kitchen surface and some where my head is going to lay. I placed my camera where she wouldn't see it because we love to record our reactions and five minutes before she came home I texted her to see if she's on time. 

Juggie😍: Hey babe!! You nearly home? 

My Queen👑: Yeah! Just pulling up now. When we come in, can we cuddle and watch a Disney film please?

I decided to type I love you on my phone and pretended that I slipped while writing it and it would lay in my hand just to make things more dramatic. 

I heard her car door shut and I quickly got into the position the 'blood' soaking my hair. Dang that's gonna take a while to get out. I head the keys jangle and I quickly close my eyes. This is gonna be one of the best pranks I've ever done. Or so I thought....

Betty's POV
I unlocked the door still confused as to why Jug read my text but didn't say anything, I mean usually he text I love you back even if we are literally 5 seconds away from seeing each other. I decided not to over worry. When I stepped into the house it was dead silent. 

"Jug??" I shouted. Nothing...I'm really starting to freak out. 

"Juggie? Baby where are you?" 

I put my car keys on the counter looking around anxiously when I saw an oozing liquid dripping off the far corner of the kitchen island. I slowly stepped closer. 

"Jug this isn't funny!!" I hollered, my voice shaking. When I turned the corner, my eyes widened and what I saw was completely horrifying. Flashbacks from that night came running back. The blood, Jugs head spurting with the Scarlett liquid. I screamed, I felt like there was nothing to do, I felt numb I wanted to help but I froze, it's exactly like that night when I thought I killed him. My anxiety skyrocketed as I looked at my hands they had blood from my own wounds that I opened from crescents but it just took me back to when I had the rock in my hands and crimson liquid smothering my fingers. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I needed to help him but I felt like the world as spinning and I couldn't do anything about it. I took a step towards him before I see someone standing up and then everything went black. 

Jughead's POV
I tried not to laugh as I head her call my name. Don't get me wrong I felt bad but I needed revenge. 

I could her her stepping closer and closer to me. When suddenly she screamed and I knew she had seen me. I thought she would come over and press my wound but I felt nothing happening. Wow what a great girlfriend I joked in my head but I started to get worried when I heard her breathing becoming heavy and irregular. I looked to her hands as blood dripped from them. What have I done!! I should of thought this through. She's probably traumatized from the last time I was found like this. She stepped towards me dizzily and I stood up immediately before she dropped on to the ground with a thud. 

Oh my gosh!! I quickly kneeled down beside her checking for any injuries but there were just the crescent moons on her hands. I breathed out in relief. I shake her lightly. 

"Betts!! Come on!! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen!!" I cried. I slowly lift her up bridal style and take her to the couch. I grab wipes and bandages as well as a wet cloth. I place the cloth on her forehead before cleaning and wrapping her wounds. I cleaned up the kitchen and then my forehead. 

As I was grabbing my camera I heard Betty groaning and then some shuffling. I sprinted to her as she held her head in pain. She looked around before seeing me and then burst out into tears. My heart broke with sadness. 

"Y-you're okay?" She cried with a smile. 

"I-I'm so sorry baby. It was a stupid prank, I didn't think about your PTSD." I sighed pulling her onto my chest. 

"I thought I lost you forever! I kept flashing back to that night. I was so scared, I'm sorry." She sobbed ever more. 

"No baby, it's my fault. I didn't mean to scare you like that, why are you sorry?" 

"B-because if that really happened to you I didn't even help you!! I'm such a terrible girlfriend!!" 

"No I'm a terrible boyfriend for doing that to you. Okay?" I smiled as she chuckled a bit. 

"Now let's cuddle and watch any Disney movie you want." I say making her face light up with joy. 

I put in Moana knowing it's her favorite before getting all our junk food out of out cupboard. When I came back she was wrapped in millions of blankets like a cute little potato. 

"Hey! Leave some blankets for me." I huffed. She just laughed and laid the blankets out. She laid her face on my chest while I played with her hair. We lay there for a bit singing along to the songs before Betts yawned and I could tell the past events of the evening had exhausted her. I pulled the blankets up before cuddling her closer. 

"I love you." She mumbled before drifting off. 

"I love you too princess." 

And from that day on we decided to never prank each other again....well not all pranks.  

Bughead Oneshots part 2Where stories live. Discover now