Moved On

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Jughead and Betty aren't together anymore, haven't been for two years. So why did Betty feel a pang of jealousy when Jughead told her about his new girlfriend. She had no right to be jealous, Betty herself has dated a few guys over the past two years. Some pretty great guys too, but they weren't Jughead. It's pathetic to still be stuck on her highschool sweetheart she's twenty-two now almost twenty-three and she needs to get over him. Sadly she can't and Jughead and his new girlfriend are making it hurt so much more. 

She's a little angry at him, which is ridiculous because she hadn't expected him to wait around for her. Well, a small part of her had, had hoped that he would, but the rational side of her overrules and she knows it absolutely ludicrous to even feel the slightest bit of anger towards him. 

She's still angry though. 

He was her first love. She had expected Jughead Jones to be her first and last everything. They were supposed to get married, start a business together, have kids. They were supposed to be forever. She knows she sound obsessive and maybe she is but she still loves him and would do anything to get him back. 

She shouldn't have even let him go in the first place. But she had been young and dumb and then Archie had been there, her childhood crush. The red-headed boy who had held her heart for so many years and then has crushed it. Now she knows that it was better off that way, it had led her to her soulmate. But then she had broken Jughead's heart when she had kissed Archie. 

She regrets the kiss, she really does and she wishes with all her being that she could take that stupid kiss back. But she can't, her and Archie's lips had already touched. What's done is done. So she'll pretend that she's happy for Jughead and some part of her is happy. Happy that he was able to move on, something she wishes she could do. 

And maybe one day they'll find their way back to each other, but Jughead's happy right now so she can be happy for him. 

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