The New Student

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 Hazel had woken up late that morning. She'd had another nightmare, so Luz let her be when she got up early. Grabbing her dragon pendant Amity had given to her all those months ago, she made her way out of the room.
Walking into the kitchen, she found Luz talking to Willow and Gus on her crystal ball. Luz was grinning from ear to ear. "So we're getting a new classmate?!" She asked excitedly. Willow giggled, nodding her head. "Yep! We should be meeting them today!"
"What's going on?" Hazel asked, getting herself some breakfast. Luz turned to her. "Oh, morning Hazel! Willow was just telling me we have a new student at Hexside!" She announced, doing jazz hands.
The basilisk "ahed" in understanding, taking a bite from her breakfast. "That's cool."
The human nodded enthusiastically. At that moment, the alarm for school went off. "Oh shoot! We gotta go! See you guys at school!" Luz waved, ending the call with Willow and Gus and grabbing Hazel's arm. "Let's go!"
"Wait, I haven't finished my breakfast!"

"This is so exciting! There's gonna be a new student here at Hexside! I wonder what they're gonna be like!" Luz squealed. "Is anyone else this excited!?"

Hazel, Luz, Willow and Gus were walking down the Hexside halls. There were rumours going around that there was going to be a new student in school, which surprised almost everyone, since it was halfway through the year.
Willow giggled at Luz's excitement. "It's understandable. It's always exciting getting a new classmate." She replied.
Hazel spaced out as they walked along, wondering if anyone else had noticed her sudden appearance in class when she arrived. Hopefully, they hadn't.
"Hazel look-"
Hazel snapped back into reality, only to run into someone fast-walking from the opposite direction. They yelp as they butt heads, and fall to the floor in a pile of books and papers.
After rubbing her head, Hazel got to her knees, and hurriedly started collecting the other persons things. "I'm so sorry, here let me help-"
"No no, it was my fault! I wasn't watching where I was going, and-" The other person responded. Hazel recognised that voice.
Looking up, her gaze was met with familiar amber eyes. The bright, pink hair was unmistakable. Quickly getting to her feet, Hazel held out her hand. "Oh, hey Liza." She greeted, a light pink blush flushing her cheeks. Liza gladly took it, holding an armful of books and papers. "Hi Hazel. Long time no see, huh?" She said, fixing up her glasses.
Hazel chuckled, feeling the butterflies in her stomach return. "Yeah. So, what are you doing here?" She asked. Liza's eyes brightened, as she showed off her new Hexside uniform. Its sleeves were red for the Bard track. "I'm a new student of Hexside." She informed with a grin.
The basilisks eyes widened in surprise. "Whoa, that's amazing!"
There was a small cough, and the two turned to Hazel's friends. Luz was smirking, Willow was smiling politely, and Gus was looking between the two, confused. Hazel's blush darkened. "O-oh! Right! Liza, these are my friends, Luz, Willow, and Gus. Guys, this is Liza." She stammered.
Each waved as they were being introduced. Liza waved back as well. "Hello! I'm Liza Blight. Oh, I think I remember you, Willow! You were a friend of Amity's, right?" She asked. Willow nodded. "Yep! It's nice to see you again, Liza."
Liza then noticed Luz, and she gasped, motioning to her own ears. "You're...human?" She asked curiously. Luz giggled, placing her hands on her hips proudly. "Yep! I'm Luz Noceda the human!"
As the two chatted, Hazel watched the witchling in awe. It wasn't until the bell went off, startling her, had she realised she'd been staring too long.
"Oh. Well, I better be getting to class. Bye Hazel. See you later?" Liza asked, turning to Hazel. Hazel fumbled for words, realising the attention had turned to her.
"Um, uh-yeah! See you later, classmate!" She finally stuttered, shooting finger guns at the pink-haired witch. Liza giggled, waving as she left, leaving Hazel with butterflies in her stomach once again. Hazel let her hands fall to her sides, wondering why she did that.
Luz leaned on Hazel's shoulder, and the basilisk frowned. "That was Liza? Wow, she sure is something~" the human smirked. Hazel gave the human an odd look. "What do you mean by that?" She asked. It was Willow's turn to smile. "Oh, nothing. Nothing at all." She winked.
The four set off to class, the basilisk confused at what her two friends meant. Even Gus seemed to understand their weird language.

Hazel sat next to Luz in class. Her gaze never left the opposite side of the classroom, where Liza was sitting, tapping her pencil in thought before answering each question. The witchling was oblivious to the demon's stares.
"Miss teacher! May I go to the bathroom?" Luz suddenly asked. The teacher looked up from marking the homework, identifying the student. "Alright. Just don't skip class. Or do. Not my problem." She stated tiredly.
Luz grabbed Hazel's hand, dragging the demon with her. Hazel was about to object, but Luz had already led her to the bathroom. "Hazel, you know she's gonna notice you staring at her." Luz stated.
Hazel's face shone red, and she let out a groan, realising she'd been staring again. Letting down her disguise, she started pacing the room. "I don't know what's wrong with me! Whenever I'm around her, I just can't help but stare! I get this weird feeling in my stomach, my face heats up. And I get all weird around her. I-I don't know what's going on!" She groaned, wringing her hands together. Her cheeks were already flushing red.
Luz placed her hands on her shoulders, stopping the basilisk in her tracks. She had a knowing smile on her face.
"What? What are you smiling at?" The basilisk asked in concern. Luz wrapped an arm around her friend. "Hazel, buddy, I think you're experiencing a crush." She announced. Hazel was even more confused. "A...crush?"
The human nodded. "Yeah! When you meet someone you find interesting, you can develop a crush! If you're lucky, it can be something more, like a romantic relationship! Is that what a crush is called here in the Boiling Isles?" She pondered to herself.
Hazel removed the human's arm from around her neck, realising what she was saying. Romantic relationships? Love? It all seemed unreal, especially after only reading about it in story books. "But...i-if it really is that...then we can't be together." She muttered. Luz gave her an odd look. "What? Why?" She asked.
The basilisk looked down at her scaly hands. "I'm know, and she's...if she finds out about this, she might not accept me as willingly as you or Eda..." Crossing her arms, she let out a long, sad sigh. "I just...don't think all this "love" thing is for me. I don't think it'll be worth it in the end."
Luz looks at her with saddened eyes. Carefully taking her friends hands, she smiles at her comfortingly. "Hey, look at me. It doesn't matter what you are. If or when she finds out who you really are, I'm sure she'll accept you. Don't shove those feeling down just because in the end, love is worth it. Your feelings are valid and they're a part of you."
Hazel smiled at her human friend, about to thank her when the human suddenly wrapped an arm around her once again. "Now, let's get you two together!"
At that, the basilisk chuckled lightly, pushing the human off of her. "I think I'm going to settle with "just friends" for now, Luz. I want to get to know her a little better before confessing anything." She stated simply.
Luz only smirked. "Mmhmm."
The bell rang, and the two headed back to class to get ready for the next lesson.

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