The Plane Crash

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Main characters involved : Y/n and the entire cast of the unsinkable 8

Boarding the aircraft, you note that the plane was a lot smaller than you expected it to be. Walking down the aisle you notice that there were 9 other passengers on the plane, excluding the pilot, co-pilot and the flight attendant.

Realizing that there was only 1 seat left, located at the back of the plane, you walk towards the seat dropping your carry on bags across from some brown haired and green eyed girl you'd come to know as Leah.

"Hey" you say, waving at the girl and sitting down in your seat.

Silence... Nothing.... No reply, no wave, not even a glance towards your direction. This girls hadn't even been bothered to look up form the book that she was reading.

Cool you shrug, deciding to listen to some music, completely ignoring the lady perched up on the TV screen located at the front of the plane. She was probably just talking about the normal plane safety rules, what to do if we crashed, random stuff that would probably never happen, you think to yourself as you close your eyes.

"Why hello there, what's your name" a thick Texan accent says startling you from the sudden interruption of your music

"W-what, oh hi. Sorry, uh my name is y/n" you sputter out to the blonde, average height looking girl with perfectly coiffed hair standing in front of you "Sorry, what did I miss, what's happening?"

"Well there Ms.Sleepy, we've decided to do some icebreakers. You know POW WOW with our partners and then introduce them to the rest of us" the blonde replied cheerfully.

"Oh okay" you say, getting up form your seat and trailing behind the girl leading you to the front of the plane. Almost walking into her as she abruptly stopped walking, picking up and forcing another girl to walk down the aisle.

After talking and overhearing other people's conversations a bit, you seemed to have a pretty solid idea of the majority of people on the plane.

There was Toni the ex basketball star and Martha the animal lover, best friends from Minnesota. The Texans, Shelby the god fearing pageant princess and Dot the survivalist. Rachel the elite diver and her twin sister Nora the quiet but smart. Leah the extreme introvert, Fatin the fashionista, Jeanette the fun loving and optimistic.  And then you, y/n McKinnon...

"What the hell"
"What's going on?"
"Oh my god"

Sudden screams started erupting from almost every direction as the overhead lights started flickering in and off and the plane started to shake violently.

As you ran back to your seat it felt as though time started slowed. You watched Toni run over to her friend hugging her tightly, Fatin attempting to control her ragged breathing, Jeanette muting the world by tuning herself out, Dot lighting up a cigarette, Rachel indulging on the piece of chocolate cake, Nora crouching into a fetal position, Shelby kneeling on the ground and praying. Then there was Leah, who just sat in her seat....reading

As you buckled up, you stare at the girl beside you in confusion, not as if she would notice anyways. She was reading?... Does she really want to spend her last moments alive... just... reading? Is this really going to be the way I die? Is this is? You think to yourself as you stare at the ceiling before the plane lights go completely dark and a single tear drop runs down your cheek.

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