Quick Author's Notes

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Firstly, the rights to these characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto and this book is purely for my enjoyment and hopefully that of the readers out there. I may add my own characters if I see use for it, but probably not. Also, I'd like to say I do not condone queer fetishization. I am a queer non-binary individual who simply aims to represent queerness through my writing. This will be "18+" and this book contains mature content such as alcohol use and abuse, drug use and a abuse, sexual assault, violence, and sex scenes. I really want to take my time writing this and I like that I can share it piece by piece, chapter by chapter with you all. Normal writers publish their entire works at once, but with this, I can let my mind delve into this story and this world with these characters and make it up as I go along. I'm excited to finally be publishing the first chapter, because I had this in the works for a few months but kept putting it off. Without further ado, here is chapter one of Intangible Desire.

P.S. Happy New Year everyone, I can't wait to see what this year unfolds.

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