Chapter Twenty

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Warning this is a smutty chapter. So if you don't like that stop reading after the page break

Kehlani Catalina Taylor


My twenty year started so peacefully. I was awakened to find a lovely tray of food placed next to me in the bed. For the first time in a long time I woke up completely alone in bed, it was strange but I needed it.

I've been being wined and dined by my boyfriends for the better part of the week so having an eventful birthday really didn't matter to me.

Every date I went on was magical in its own way, it really showed me that I'm right where I need to be with my boys. They're all single and have shown me that they're ready for our relationship. But I'm still not pressuring them into asking me to be official. No matter what they said about their break ups I know that sometimes it's hard to emotionally get over something like that.

I open the little card on the tray and read it,

Hello gorgeous,

First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY! YOU'RE no longer a baby but now a big kid like us.

Second, eat up then get dressed. We're taking you to a day of pampering and love all around.


Robyn and India

P.s text us when you're done so we can come steal you.

I laugh to myself closing the card and put it back on the tray. I take the plate of food off of the tray seeing it's still warm so they couldn't have been gone from here that long.

The plate was piled high with potatoes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and toast. All my breakfast favorites. They know me so well.

As I start eating my breakfast I check my phone, there's a bunch of loving messages from everyone in my life. Even a few folks I haven't spoken to in I have no idea how long. It's so sweet to see people care about me.

I finish all my breakfast then put the dishes in the sink for later when I get home. I go to my closet and grab something simple since I have no idea where we're going. I take a quick shower then put on camo pants and a white tee shirt.

Tae practically forced me to come get my hair done yesterday, he installed a long curly wig on me for my birthday and made plans to change it immediately after my birthday is over. When he found out that I was going to start doing hosting he made a standing appointment for me to come every week to get a new hairstyle.

"Oh my god it's my best bitches birthday!" Robyn screams the second I open the car door. "Happy birthday baby."

We share a big warm hug. "Thank you babe." I whisper since I'm so close to her ear.

"My turn my turn." India shouts pulling me away from the hug with Robyn and into her own arms. "Happy birthday my love." She tells me.

I wasn't even in the car fully and they are giving me so much love. When the hugs end I climb into the SUV and sit in the third row, again we're being driven around by the body guards.

"Okay so I know you said you didn't want us t9 get you a gift but we decided to come together and get you something." Robyn says turning in her seat to face me.

I pout a little, I knew they were going to go over the top and I don't think that's necessary. We've only been friends for a little over a month and a half yet.

"Don't make that face. Just open your present and be happy." India adds causing me to fix my face.

A look of shock crosses my face as the body guard from the passenger's seat passes a big Chanel shopping bag back to me. I take it from him and instantly open it to find two Chanel boxes, a larger one and a smaller one.

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