Chapter Four

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Damon walked over to the table. There you are, Elena. Where have you been? Damon asked as Elena put her burger down. With Caroline. Elena stated before going back to her burger. Elena, are you okay? Damon asked as she was stuffing her face. Mhm. Elena said before putting her burger down. Why dont you come outside with me, you dont look too well. Damon said as Elena got up. Ill be right back. Elena said as she walked outside with Damon then he led her to an alleyway and then he made her pass out and then he vamped her somewhere.

Where is she? Kol asked around 15 minutes after she left. I dont know. Maybe we should go find her. Caroline said as she started to get worried since Elena was pregnant. "Kol why don't you do a tracking spell on her, to make it more easy." Klaus suggested. "Yeah do that." Caroline said as she started to look around outside.

Meanwhile with Elena, she wasn't doing to well. "What are you doing to me?" Elena asked with fear in her voice just as she saw Bonnie walk into the room. "Bonnie please help me.." Elena begged but Bonnie wasn't listening. "Why should I? I mean you did have sex with Kol Mikaelson and got pregnant with his child." Bonnie said as Ester walked into the room with ropes and needles, and even knives.

"What are you going to do to me..?" Elena asked while trying to sit up but she didn't have the strength to do so. "Were going to kill your baby. We know that the baby is a Mikaelson baby and we cannot have you getting hurt, and we can't have Kol having the pleasure of a Tribrid baby." Bonnie said as Ester smirked.

"Please just leave me alone.." Elena cried as she quickly shut her eyes hoping that it was all a dream but it wasn't. Suddenly she heard a loud crash and she opened her eyes and Bonnie, Ester, and Damon were all passed out on the ground and she looked up and she saw Kol standing there.

"H-Hi.." she said nervously. "What the fuck?" Kol asked while being so confused on why his mother took her here. "What is going on?" Kol asked as Klaus and Caroline arrived. "We will explain it all later." Caroline said as she tried to grab Elenas arm.

"No, I need to tell him now.." Elena said as Kol looked at her while being so confused. "Tell me what?!" Kol asked as his eyes changed colors as Elena stood up. "Why don't we go somewhere else..?" Elena asked.

"Fine." Kol said rolling his eyes as Elena lead him off into the distance and she stood looking out at a little pond as Kol walked up behind her. "Did they find out about what we did on the night of the ball?" Kol asked. "Yes and no.." Elena said with a sigh as she looked at the ground.

"What do you mean yes and no?!" Kol shouted. "Kol.. I'm pregnant.. and it's your baby.." Elena said as she kept her eyes towards the ground. "W-what..?" Kol asked as he started to hear the baby's heart beat.

"T-that isn't mine." Kol said not even being sure. "Yes it is-" Elena said as she turned around but when she turned around he was gone. "I'm so sorry.." she whispered to herself as she looked down at her tiny baby bump.

Elena fell to her knees as tears formed in her eyes and she started balling her eyes out knowing that she shouldn't have told him. "Im so sorry my sweet child.." she whispered as she stared down at her stomach, still crying.

"Elena? Elena where are you?" Caroline asked as Elena sat on the ground trying to hide that she was crying. "Elena what's wrong??" Caroline asked as she ran to her best friend. "He's gone.." Elena mumbled and Caroline knew she was talking about Kol.

"Hey it's going to be okay.. come on why don't we go home and take care of you and the baby?" Caroline asked as Elena nodded and slowly got up. "Where's Klaus?" She asked. "I don't know, I think he might've went home." Caroline said as they walked back to the car.

"I'm tired." Elena said with a sigh as she walked into the house with Caroline. "Do you just want to go to sleep?" She asked as Elena nodded. "Alright, goodnight." Caroline said with a smile as Elena walked to her room then she locked the door and she saw a figure of a person sitting in her window.

"Who are you?!" She almost shouted as she quickly turned the lights on and then she saw that it was Kol. "Oh. You." Elena said with a scoff as she sat down on her bed. "I'm sorry darling.." Kol said as he finally looked at her.

"Why'd you leave?" Elena asked. "I was scared." Kol just said instantly. "Why would you be scared?" She asked. "Because. What else would I feel when the girl who I hooked up with said she was pregnant?!" He stated.

"It's not my fault that YOU got me pregnant!" Elena shouted as her pregnancy was causing her emotions to go crazy, and she stood up. "Well it's not my fault that you were all over me!" Kol shouted as he also stood up.

"WELL ITS NOT MY FAULT THAT YOURE SO- UGH!" Elena shouted as Kol scoffed. "You're such a whore. I bet it's not even mine anyways." Kol said as he vamped off. "Oh.." Elena mumbled as she sat back down as tears formed in her eyes.

Am I really a whore..? She thought as she laid down while just thinking. Oh god.. he's right. I am a whore.. Tears formed in her eyes as she thought of the baby. This is all your fault for getting pregnant, Elena! Finally Elena passed out.

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