Chapter 12 The Gazebo

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Kyra's pov

"Please don't sneak up on me like that!"

Relief dripped off my face when I realized it was just Sarah.

"Seems you got your tongue back as well."

She walked up to me to get the leash on.

"Come, lord Radu is drinking tea in the garden. It will please him to see you're up again."

I just sighed, I couldn't care less what pleased him.
But I've never been in the garden, it would give me a good opportunity to get more info on how to escape.
So I obediently walked after her to where the lord was having his tea.

The sun was shining brightly when we got out the back door.
I stared up at the blue sky with a little stray white cloud here and there, feeling the sun-rays kiss my skin, the soft breeze in my hair, this was nice.

How long had I been inside?
I never knew the sun could feel this comforting.

We walked up to a rose garden, in the middle a white gazebo.
The Lord was sitting there with a female I hadn't seen before.
They looked up when they heard us approach.

"Ah that's nice you've brought a snack."

The hairs on my neck stood up, I disliked her already.

"That is my pet, not a snack."

Lord Radu commented while he took the leash from Sarah and pulled me closer.

"Sarah, can you go fetch some refreshments for our guest?"

"Of course my lord."

Sarah turned around and walked off.
The woman had gotten up and walked up to me.

"What a waste, she smells delicious."

She was clearly disappointed as she grabbed a string of my hair and sniffed it.
I took a step back while looking in disgust at her for that comment and action.
Her eyes quickly turned cold.

"She's not trained very well is she?"

Lord Radu placed his hand on my head, a shiver went through my body.

"That is my business."

His hand dropped on my shoulder and he pulled me even closer and away from her.
I stiffened as I felt trapped against his body and didn't know where to look.

"You want to play in the garden?"

He asked while looking down.


I looked up, not sure if I heard correctly.

"You can, if you stay close, you know what happens if you don't."

He took the leash off.
Okay, well if he is okay with it, I can at least take a little look around the garden.
I took a few steps towards the grass and looked back at him.

"Uhm master? Can I go by that pond?"

I pointed toward a corner of the rose garden.
He just nodded and resumed his conversation with the woman.
Being outside for a change felt nice.
I walked up to the slightly elevated pond.
It had a little waterfall and was beautifully decorated with plants, flowers and ornaments.
There was a little bridge to cross it, I got on it and watched the koi fish swimming in the pool.
Looked like they were hungry by the way they all swam under me, gasping with their big mouths out of the water.
The bridge did give me somewhat of a vantage point to oversee most of the vast yard around the castle.

I could see the mountains around the smaller ridge the castle was built on.
I saw parts of the road near the front side wiggle their way around the mountain and hills below.
That side was not an option with the guard at the main gate.
It was probably better to stay far away from roads until I was far away from the castle.
The south side didn't seem to be an option as well, there looked to be a cliff there, though from here I couldn't see how deep.
East side did look promising with that tree there, close to the stone fence.
If I could climb that, maybe I could jump over the wall.
Stretching out I felt my still sore back, I need to heal up first so I can move more freely.

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