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Hailey was living with her mates now for about a month. Everything was perfect, all share a room together but they do have rooms of their own. But the room that they all share is massive, only because four people are living in one place.

Hailey has been doing her job as a Luna. On Mondays and Wednesdays she goes over the pups of the pack to read them stories. Pretty much everyone at the pack enjoys having Hailey has their Luna. Hailey was told by Josiah about their laws and how they do things in their pack.

One day Hailey was inside with Ezekiel, working in the office while Jeremiah and Josiah were outside helping the training.

All was peaceful. Until Ezekiel shot his head up and ran to the window. Hailey was confused on the matter. Ezekiel was told my the pack link on one of the members that rogues broke threw the lines.

Ezekiel told his brothers, they knew. They told Ezekiel to get Hailey to the safe room with the others women and children of the pack.

Ezekiel scooped Hailey up into his arms walking to the safe room but it was too late. Rogues broke passed the line and some got into the house. One rogue tackled Ezekiel down on the ground, dropping Hailey. The rogue saw Hailey made its way to her but Ezekiel snapped it with his bare hand. He picked her back up but over his shoulder.

But once again Ezekiel got tackled by more this time. Hailey was on the floor again she saw Ezekiel fighting, she needed to do something fast. Hailey remembered what the beta gave her as a gift. Hailey crawled to get her gift, daggers. But one of the rouges saw her and he was coming after her. He bite her leg but she push herself to get her weapons. She ended up getting her daggers when the rogue went to bite her leg again, Hailey was able to stab the rogue.

All was while until the second wave of rogue came. Hailey ended up outside, a rogue tackled her which made her land outside, hard. That rogue bite her injured leg and was pulling her. Hailey still had one dagger left. But the rogue was a smart one, he let go of her leg and bit her arm, causing in to break. Hailey kept fighting.

The rouge was about to go for Hailey's neck when a blur came from no where. It was Jeremiah followed by Ezekiel and Josiah. They were pissed, their wolves have taken over.

Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Josiah surrounded Hailey in a protective stands. In the mind between them, Jeremiah told Hailey to cover her eyes. They did not want her to see what they were going to do.

It took about 2 hours to kill all of the rogues that entered on their pack lands, and lucky no one from the pack died, many were injured but all was good again. The alpha's took Hailey to the hospital wing were she would make a full recovery.

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