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Hiccup's P.O.V
I walked behind everyone, into the dragon killing arena and they were talking while I was thinking about the dragon boy in the forest. "Pain...love it" I say and the rest groaned. "Great, who let him in?" Tuffnut asked. Gobber patted my back and I lined up with the others. There was a Deadly nadder, a Hideous Zippleback, a gronckle, a terrible terror and a Monstrous nightmare. Gobber let out the Grunkle first and everyone was dodging it.

"What do you need?!" Gobber asked. "A shield!" Astrid said and we got it. I sigh and stood were I was. "How many shots does a Grunkle have?" He asked us. "6!" Fishlegs answered amd he was out. The Grunkle came after me and Gobber had thrown it into the its pan. I sigh and walked out after the lesson. The others laughed at me and I started to tear up, I ran as fast as I could and I ran to the forest. I sat behind a huge rock and cried. I felt something on my left shoulder and saw a wing.

Your P.O.V
I saw the boy cry behind a huge rock and I sat next to him and wrapper my wing around him. "Sshhh..." I say to him and he hugged me. I tensed up and then relaxed and hugged back. I knew he had a bad day and placed my head onto his. He looked up and I looked at him. I then heared people coming. "Hiccup is such a loser!" "Yeah, he can't even use a shield!" I looked at him and he cried more. "Let me do this. You stay here." I whispered and I crawled onto the rock and the tough blonde girl saw me. "Guys?" She said. They looked at me and stood there. I roared at them and they ran off yelling and screaming. The tough blonde girl had her axe and threw it at me. I caught it and threatened her with it. "Don't mess with the boy or me" I whispered and I dropped her axe and walked off. I turned into a big dragon and I picked up Hiccup and went somewhere else.

He was shocked and I glared at the blonde. She ran and I walked to the cove were the Night fury was. I placed him down and the Night fury was infront of us. "I know you have fish" I said and he pulled the 2 fish out and gave one to the night fury. "Toothless? I could have sworn you had...." Then the dragon took it. "Teeth.." I chuckled and picked up the other fish and ate it. The night fury did something and glided to the other side of the cove. "Stubborn dragon" I say and he looked at me. "I'm Y/n L/n" I said with a small smile. "Hiccup" He said and stood up. I whistled and the night fury went somewhere else.

It was evening and Hiccup was drawing in the dirt. I watched and me being part dragon, it was had to resist.  Hiccup looked at me and saw that I was watching. Toothless came over and started to watch as well. Toothless then walked to a tree and got a branch and started to draw as well. I was hit at the back of tje head and I groaned. "Was that necessary?" I asked the dragon. He ignored and Hiccup rubbed the back of my head. I relaxed into his touch and he smiled. Hiccup stood back and stepped onto one of the lines. Tooothless growled and stopped and in moments, Hiccup was infront of Toothless. He held his hand out and Toothless placed his head on Hiccup's hand and ran off.

I walked over to him and hugged him from behind. "Let me take you home" I whispered into his ear. He nodded and we flew to his house. I dropped him off and I flew off.

Hiccup's P.O.V

I walked to the great hall and went to eat. I sat at a different table and Gobber dropped to book of dragons on the table. Everyone walked out of the great hall and I grabbed the book. I went through it and found the Night fury. There was nothing there and then I saw someone come in. I then realized that it was Y/n. I sigh and he smirked. "You scared me!" I whispered. He chuckled and we went through the book. Y/n explained the things that were lies and the things I didn't understand. I yawned and fell asleep on Y/n's shoulder and I felt a kiss on my forehead.

The next day, we had to try to attack a deadly nadder. I tried to explain to Gobber that there wasn't anything on the night fury. But he ignored me. I got down and then the dragon ran after me. I tripped and it was after Astrid. I landed on me and her axe got stuck in my sheild. She grabbed her axe and my shield and hit the nadder. She looked at me angrily. "What was that!? Our parents war is about to become ours! Figure out which side your on! And tell that dragon that caught you to watch out!" She yelled at me.

I was at Gobbers workshop making toothless a new tail. I was still thinking of what Astrid said. 'I'm on the dragons side' I thought and finished Toothless's tail and saddle and ran home. The next day, we had a day off and I went to the cove. I saw Y/n sleeping and I placed everything down and sat down and patted his head, gently. He opened his eyes and rolled over with a groaned. "5 more minutes" and he placed his head on my lap. Toothless walked over and sniffed the things I brang. I stood up and got Toothless his tail and saddle.

He ran off and I chased after him. "Hey! Get back here!" I yelled out and I tripped. But I didn't hit the ground.
"Be careful, Hiccup" I heard Y/n say and he helped me up. "Sorry" Toothless walked over and I patted his nose. I placed the saddle on and we went to test it out. Since then I've learnt a lot about dragons and we had lots of fun as well. Y/n said to be careful every time I'm in the arena and I smiled.

We arrived back and I heard rumours about Hiccup and Gobber said that he disappears most afternoons. I went to go look for him and he was lying on his desk and thinking. I knocked, he looked at me and fell off his chair. "Dad! Don't scare me like that!" I laughed and I helped him up. "Good to see you too, son" I say and sat down. "About the ring..how is it?" I asked him. He sighed and looked sad. "What's wrong?" He looked at me and sighed. "The others think that I'm on the dragons side but I'm trying so hard, but...I always fail" He replied and looked away.

"Son, as long as you are trying, that's a good thing. Don't worry about the others." I said and smiled. "That's what Y/n said" He said. "Whose Y/n?" I asked. "A new friend I made. He hates fighting" Hiccup replied. I nodded, understanding. I gave Hiccup a helmet that his mother used. "Thanks dad" He said and we went home to get some shut eye. I smiled and went to bed.

Hiccup's P.O.V
In the arena the next day, the elder was going to decided on the one that will kill in front of everyone. "Stay out of my way! I'm winning this thing" Astrid said and ran off. I sighed and the Grunckle flew over me and I scratched under its chin and it fell asleep. Everyone cheered and Astrid was annoyed.

The elder chose me to kill the dragon and I was surprised. I walked out of the arena and ran off. I walked to the cove and placed a bag of fish down. "We leaving guys!" I yelled out and I noticed Astrid starring at me. "No one gets as good as you. Start talking! Are you training with someone?" She asked and noticed Toothless. He ran up to me and I throw her axe away. I calmed Toothless down and noticed Y/n was infront, growling at Astrid. "You scared them!" I said and calmed them down. "I scared them! Who are they?" She asked.

"Astrid, Toothless. Astrid, Toothless. And I think you already know Y/n" I replied and she ran off. "Welp we're dead!" I noticed Toothless walking away and Y/n hugged me. "Mine!" He said and I blushed. "Come on" I say. We chased after Astrid and dropped her onto a branch. "Hiccup! Get me down of here!" She yelled out. "Geez, so loud" Y/n said and I looked at her. She wouldn't listen so I showed her. Toothless took off and Y/n was laughing. Toothless scared Astrid and she said sorry and toothless calmed down.

"That was funny!" I gave Y/n a glare and Astrid was looking at him. "Haha, very funny Y/n" I said and Astrid reached out to pat Y/n but moved to the other side of Toothless. "He doesn't like other people touching him. Took awhile for me to earn his trust" I explained and Y/n did a trick and closed his eyes. His F/c Favorite color wings were shined in the sun. He looked relaxed and happy. "I admit, this is pretty cool. Their amazing" Astrid said. "So what now? You know that you got to kill the it" She said. She whispered something in my ear and toothless and Y/n were flying somewhere and we didn't know.

"What's going on?" Astrid whispered. "Stay quiet and low" Y/n whispered and hovered over use. We flew into a cave and we landed. "Great, our food is being dumped into a giant hole" I say and every dragon was hiding. I saw Y/n and he was not happy. He growled and a huge dragon ate a Grunckle. We gasped. "We need to go bud. Now!" I say and the big dragon went after us. We hurried back to the cove and landed.

I ran to Y/n to calm him down. "Thank Thor you shot Toothless down" he said and barred his face in my neck. I looked at Astrid and she patted his back. "We just found the dragons nest." She said and explained to me that we need to tell my dad. "No. They'll find Toothless and Y/n." I said and she was surprised. "Alright. What are you going to do?" She asked. I shrugged and noticed that y/n was asleep. I smiled. Astrid smirked and I blushed. "Sorry for kidnapping you" I said and she nodded and ran home.

I sat down and Toothless wrapped his body around us and went to sleep. I kissed Y/n's forehead and went to sleep.

Hiccup x Male dragon! Hybid readerWhere stories live. Discover now