chapter 14

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All of the heroes could clearly see how pissed off Izuku was that they decided to tag along. They were pretty far away and the wind was strong so high up, so they wouldn't be able to hear each other. They could definitely see how mad he was though.

Izuku noticed that they were coming up to the building Shigaraki was on, the same one he had been a few hours earlier. He rapidly signaled for the heroes to drop. Of course they couldn't do that until they actually reached the building, but they understood that they couldn't be seen and dropped behind a tangle of vents and other protruding objects. They were well hidden as long as they stayed quiet.

Shigaraki had his back turned as the nomu flew in, probably to try and show Izuku how unbothered he apparently was, but he knew the man was seething. He had fucked up the plan.

"So," the blue haired villain started as soon as Izuku hit the ground with a thud. "I hear you had fun tonight."

Izuku brushed himself off and stood with a scowl. "No, you know what? You don't get to be mad about what happened tonight."

Shigaraki whirled around and Izuku realized just how pissed the man was.

"You know he's off limits. It's the one rule, Shigaraki." Izuku was standing his ground, making sure his body was in between his boss and the heroes. He really hoped they'd all stay out of it, he didn't need their help.

Shigaraki took a few threatening steps forward. "I don't control Stain and you just ensured that I never will!"

He shrugged in response. "Maybe you shouldn't have fucked up to badly the first time around then."

Shigarki stomped towards him like a child and roughly grabbed Izuku's chin with four fingers. He was so angry he wasn't thinking clearly. Izuku wanted to use that to his advantage.

"Do it," he goaded. "Put your pinky down, use your quirk to decay my face until my jaw is completely gone. Do. It."

For a brief second, Izuku thought he might. Shigaraki's nostrils flared and he was able to feel the heat of his last finger getting closer to his skin.

"You're not as smart as you think, dog," Shigaraki spat at him before pushing his head to the side with more force than necessary when he released his hold.

"Do you have any idea what you cost me? Your father?" Shigaraki asked while walking back to his post, observing the chaos he'd unleashed. He cackled and briefly looked back at Izuku. "I bet he's going to just love hearing that his son nearly killed the man that could have put our organization on the map. All for some stupid high school crush."

Izuku's jaw ticked in irritation. He knew he was in trouble, but he didn't need it rubbed in his face.

"It only came to that because you failed to get him under control in the first place."

Shigaraki flashed him a creepy smile with way too many teeth visible. "We'll see if he thinks of it the same way."

That was the last thing Izuku heard before he was falling through the floor, only to show up in a concrete cell again. If the distinct blood stains were anything to go off of, it was the same cell as last time. The only difference was that he was alone.

Apparently half the torture was being forced to sit and wait.


After Izuku disappeared, Shigaraki vanished through a different portal a few seconds later. With him gone, the nomu took back off into the skies.

Sero couldn't move from where he'd been watching the scene unfold. He hadn't been able to breathe since he lost sight of Izuku.

He was in trouble again and it was entirely Sero's fault.

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