Chapter VII/7: "Smooth Criminal" Era (1982-1986)

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In 1982, Antonio started competing with his brother, Michael. They released their 1982 to 1986 album at the same month and day! Antonio's first album song, "Starlight Sun", was a huge success! The music was a lot like Michael Jackson's "Thriller" Except the theme was not Halloween, it was Christmas! It released on December 24th, 1982 and Michael released his song, Thriller, on October 30th, 1982. Antonio's song sold over 89 billion copies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, while Michael's song sold ONLY 17 thousand copies!!!!!!!!! Antonio triumphed over his younger brother. Antonio felt bad, but when Michael said on the news that he was gonna get revenge, Antonio REALLY TURNED UP THE HEAT. He really wanted to beat Michael now.

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