Lilac Drugs Part 1

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[Readers : *chillin*
P1 : *bust in door and starts panting* Run!
Reader : Why should we-
Sirius : *evil laughs* bawwwhhaaa
*bust through wall*
Reader : What in the world?
Sirius : Today, I feel inspired!
Reader : Oh well that's-
P1 : *Grabs reader and starts*
Reader : Where are we going?!?!
P1 : You don't understand...... it's safer this way...
Reader : What do you mean-
Sirius : *slides and jumps in front of them* You can't escape your fate 😈
P1 : Oh my god.....
Sirius : Yes *evil laughs* I plan to write 50 chapter today throughout all my stories!
Reader : Your lying.....
Sirius : Does it look like I'm joking?!!?
P1 : Your Insane.....
Sirius : 😈 Enjoy Guys]

Ever wonder what it feels like to float? To let all your pain and anexity, worries wash away?

You start to wake up it's pitch black so your not able to see anything. You get up and start walking over to what you could make out as a wall. You held your head. You then flick the lights on. You look around your in some type of cage. You drag your hand across the white padded wall. [Think about the padded walls you see in asylums.] 'How did I get here?' You thought to yourself. Then you hear a door creak open. You turn to look at a gray metal door slowly sliding open revealing a enforcer. She walks slowly to you, another girl waits by the entrance. Confused you stepped back in a defensive stance. You still walks towards you. "Stay back!" You shout looks the enforcer in her eyes. She stops for a second then proceeded. You don't know why but you felt some sort of connection towards this person you brushed it off. Then the enforcer spoke it turned out to be a girl. "Y...y/n?"

[Insane] Jinx x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now