A/N - I'm Back

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Hey guys, I'm back from taking a break..... as you know a couple of days ago. I found out, I lost someone dear to me. I was scrolling through my phone and found a suicide note was emailed to me. It was from my ex. He said he wanted to end his life. Telling me he had nothing left to live for. Telling me he would be watching over me in heaven. I called, emailed him back and texted him he didn't answer. I was so depressed because I thought he was gone..... Even if he was my ex he was still one of my good friends. After what felt like days. He finally texted me back. I kept telling him he had so much to live for. I begged him to not die. He was drinking, crying and taking pills. I didn't know what to do. I'm states away from him and if he left the house. I don't know his exact location an he wasn't giving it to me. Finally I got him to calm down after he vented out his feelings. Now I'm trying to get him to seek help. He's doing much better he said he wants to do music again. He's acting like his old self. I'm just so glad he's safe. I can sleep easy. You have no idea how worried I was. Thank you guys like really you have no idea. When I came back to wattpad I've read all your heartfelt comments, every last one. Again thank you for understanding. Tomorrow I'll be posting more chapters.

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