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Ariel when you and her meet for the first time

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Ariel when you and her meet for the first time.

"I thought mermaid's were extinct" Your hand's offered out to the young women.

"Yeah, I'm a mermaid. Name's Ariel" She grabbed ahold of your offered hand.

"I'm Y/N Cassidy" You helped her in your boat and drapped a blanket around her.

"Thank you ... Most people would've just sailed past me" Ariel smiled at you.

"I'm not most people" You hand's her the flask that you carried around.

"What's this ?" She gestures to the cup as you poured it into a mug.

"Hot chocolate - Something to warm you up on the way" You explained to her.

"On the way to where ?" She seems to be alarmed by the idea of leaving.

"Neverland, sweet heart" You set sail for the island that you once called home.

My Little Love {OUAT Gif Series}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin