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7th birthday:

Angana's POV:

After a agonizing hours of skin care and massages and war on what to wear between the maids (which ended with a cracked vase and me choosing the first dress that got my eyes.) finally I was ready for the party. Here in Credia a noble child debutante into the society two times. The first is the seventh birthday and then at fourteen. While one can attend noble gatherings after their first debutante if they wish to or they can officially start attending from their second debutante too. Of course the higher nobles and the royal family send their children to socialize sooner than later.

Nobel are disgusting in many ways but at least they do the bare minimum of taking responsibility to their territory and country the system is not all bad compared to my last world after all there is corruption where power lies and greed where there is human.

The debutante was held in ball which was decorated very nicely. I was escorted to my grandfather who was my first dance partner. He looked so handsome even though he was old. the miracles exercise can do.

"Ha... my granddaughter is so cute!" I take back he is frightening from my first time rather he is annoying very annoying I respect his aides who put up with his shit all the time. 

"You look handsome too grandpa." I replied with a very annoyed face for his childish act.

He pulled me into a brief side hug and gushed how cute I was for some time then he took something out his breast pocket.

"This is a family heirloom given to the lady of house when she matures enough to see through the world for what it is. Only the true lady of the house can access its power after some tests. Your mother left it behind before she started travelling. I think it's now time to give you this since you will step into a cave of disgusting wolfs." He rambled on some more on how the nobel have nothing better to do then talk all day long.

It was small silver ring with a very rough almost white blue stone. There where tree patterns encasing the stone. It was beautiful to say and way to big for a child. 

"Oh yeah, it should adjust to your fingers when it recognises you after passing the tests

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"Oh yeah, it should adjust to your fingers when it recognises you after passing the tests. So don't worry about the size and just wear it all the time like your pendant ok."

while half listening to him I tried on my small hands.

The ring adjusted to my finger size immediately and shined a little.

I and grandfather looked at it with blank face for almost a minute straight. 

So it accepted me without any kind of test....

The accessories are here:

The accessories are here:

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she has her hair down

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she has her hair down

she has her hair down

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 all three bracelets in one hand

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all three bracelets in one hand

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