One-sided love?

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"So, that's how we prove that the value of iota is equal to minus 1--"

The loud ringing of the school bell announced lunchtime. Students started to stand up immediately and hurriedly rushed out of the class without waiting for the teacher to come out.

"The class is over," the math teacher timidly said and left the class.

"Poor Mr. Kwon. He always tries his best and students always leave him," Nayeon said as she looked at the door.

Y/N rolled her eyes at her best friend's remark and said, "You do care about him? What about me?"

Nayeon turned to look at her and internally questioned her ears if she heard it right. 'Did she just ask about herself?'

"What?" Y/N gave her a confusing look as Nayeon was blushing slightly with a perplexed expression.

"Did you just... never mind. Let's go to the cafeteria, I'm hungry," Nayeon said and tugged onto Y/N's arm, dragging her out of the class.

Y/N as out of habit intertwined their hands together, but what she didn't know she caused a set of butterflies to rumble inside Nayeon. You see, Nayeon and Y/N had been friends for God know how long.

However, as time passed, Nayeon realized the heart fluttering feeling whenever Y/N did literally anything. When they both laughed together, cried together, hugged each other, and importantly they both shared concerns that were special to her.

And it really didn't take a scientist to figure out what and why she was feeling. The answer was clear; she loved her best friend more than she could ever have imagined.

It wasn't her fault though. Nayeon believed that Y/N was a born charmer, she had her ways to impress anyone. She clearly remembered the first time she met her, although it was by a simple accident.

It was the first day of high school and Nayeon was late because she slept a little longer. So as she hurried down the hallways of the school, she wasn't being careful and bumped into someone.

Bingo! If you guessed it was Y/N, you're correct.

She apologized to the person as she picked up her books and when her eyes met the person, she felt her breath hitching in her throat. Nayeon was speechless for the first time in her life.

"I'm sorry too," Nayeon remembered the soft voice and a small smile on Y/N's face.

The bell rang loudly and Nayeon lowly cursed for being late in class. Y/N asked her what class she was in because she wanted to help. Nayeon seriously denied and assured her that it was okay but Y/N insisted and dragged her through the hallways to the class.

Apparently, they both were in the same class. Which Nayeon was certainly thankful for.

After the class was over, Y/N applied to be her tour guide and give her a tour of the school. Nayeon couldn't deny it and agreed to follow along. Once they started talking, they both got to know how instantly they clicked with each other.

So, as Nayeon walked with Y/N, who was swinging their hands together, she realized that it was not that hard to fall in love with that cheerful girl.

"Hey, Jihyo!" Y/N shouted causing Nayeon to startle out of her trance and she looked ahead.

There stood a girl with a bob cut and her back facing them. Y/N shouted again and that caused Jihyo to turn around and smile at them. She waved her hand and gestured to wait for a few minutes.

"It really is hard to be the school president, isn't it?" Y/N asked and Nayeon nodded in reply.

They both stood there as Nayeon took the time to admire the girl. She always had time to do that. Y/N was slightly taller than her and she surely had a perfect side profile. In Nayeon's opinion, she was really beautiful.

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