I just threw everything i had and started running towards the canteen, Ambuj was running behind me, In about say 5 minutes, I was there in the canteen, My eyes were searching for her smile, but she wasn't visible, Suddenly Ambuj shouted, "Trippy, She is there" I didn't moved, i closed my eyes, i was gathering courage to see her, and than I turned back and BOOM, She was carrying a beautiful smile, had braces in her lower jaw, and a mole below her right eye, She was like an example to the word beauty, I was just starring her, Suddenly Ambuj came in between and said, Baby we are done for today, Lets go now or you will get some beautiful slaps from her beautiful hands,

I just threw everything i had and started running towards the canteen, Ambuj was running behind me, In about say 5 minutes, I was there in the canteen, My eyes were searching for her smile, but she wasn't visible, Suddenly Ambuj shouted, "Trippy, ...

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I smiled and he just pulled me towards the canteen cause we missed our lunch, Time passed and we were back to college, It was a period of M.P. LAB (Manufacturing practices), I had completed the activity thus i was sitting aside, and She was standing at some distance with her group , She was far away, yet clearly visible, Suddenly, i saw her talking with some random guy, that boy was wearing a black leather jacket, and had "creep" written on his forehead, I was "insecure inside" and "i don't care" outside, I said to myself, "Talking has nothing to do with love", I too talk with lots of girls, Its all normie, and suddenly i saw them sitting together in one bench,

My anxiety was now on peak, I got to see her face recently, and this random boy is sitting next to her, again i relaxed myself by saying, "Sitting together has nothing to do with love", I too sit with lots of girls, This time i got a reply from wi...

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My anxiety was now on peak, I got to see her face recently, and this random boy is sitting next to her, again i relaxed myself by saying, "Sitting together has nothing to do with love", I too sit with lots of girls, This time i got a reply from within, that being positive is good but being an emotional fool is just insane, I got tensed with that feeling , I told everything to my friend, Faiz, and He smiled, grabbed my hand, pulled me up and said, "Come with me, Lets break him in pieces" Before i continue let me give you a small character sketch of the character "FAIZ", He gets angry and happy very fast, There is just one thing common in me and faiz, which is, "We both suffer from mood swings, without any menstrual cycle, So he is a quite interesting person, but the irony here is that, "He can't be understood", He is unpredictable. Coming back to the story....So he pulled my hand and we started stepping towards her, As my heart realised i was getting close to her, It started beeping fast, Now we were standing in front of a bench, and they both, i.e. She and that leather jacket boy were sitting on that bench, Faiz said to her, "Are you done with today's activity?", She replied, I did nothing, and while pointing a finger towards that leather jacket boy, she continued, "He completed the activity and i just gave my name within his work, Faiz turned back and said to me, How smart she is, isn't it?,

I smiled and said nothing, just ignored both of them and went back to my seat, My anxiety made me cold, I just had opportunity to break the ice between us and start the conversation, But i just missed that, again i gave moral support to myself, "G...

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I smiled and said nothing, just ignored both of them and went back to my seat, My anxiety made me cold, I just had opportunity to break the ice between us and start the conversation, But i just missed that, again i gave moral support to myself, "Good things take time", Day passed and I was back again to my hostel, I was just remembering her voice, Her voice gave me, "Butterflies", and i had no-any word to use as an adjective to her voice, It was all perfect, and I slept thinking about her.

So, what you guys think will happen next, will the author be able to break the ice, in between and start the conversation, I will be back with the continuation, Till than, Keep caring and keep Sharing.

For regular updates you can follow me on instagram @musicaltrippy

For regular updates you can follow me on instagram @musicaltrippy

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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