Depth of her eyes

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Where is our Classroom?, I shouted, My friend Nayan replied, "Just follow me", In a couple of minutes, we were standing in the front of a room, there was a chart outside the room, which had the name of the students and their roll number, written on it, i started looking for my name and i got the same.

As i found the name i just entered the class, it was A15, I just entered with no anxiety of my first day, cause i was prepared for it! As i entered i found the 2nd bench empty, and i occupied it, I was just making myself comfortable and than i tur...

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As i found the name i just entered the class, it was A15, I just entered with no anxiety of my first day, cause i was prepared for it! As i entered i found the 2nd bench empty, and i occupied it, I was just making myself comfortable and than i turned to my left, and was lost, those dark black, eyes, i was just lost in them, nothing else was visible, cause she was wearing a black mask, just her hairs, forehead, and eyes were visible, after my last breakup love was dead, but as i saw her, my heart whispered, "Just one more time",

As i found the name i just entered the class, it was A15, I just entered with no anxiety of my first day, cause i was prepared for it! As i entered i found the 2nd bench empty, and i occupied it, I was just making myself comfortable and than i tur...

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I was just observing the depth of her eyes, and suddenly she turned towards me and our eyes clashed, she felt anxious, and breaked the contact, I too realised being overwhelming thus, i behaved like nothing happened, and just ignored her unintentionally, My eyes were on the blackboard, but still she was visible to me.

I was just observing the depth of her eyes, and suddenly she turned towards me and our eyes clashed, she felt anxious, and breaked the contact, I too realised being overwhelming thus, i behaved like nothing happened, and just ignored her unintenti...

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Her deep black eyes, were like, a sea breeze, a pleasant day, a chirping sparrow, a waterfall, a tap of wind, and what not, everything that was beautiful was now having a competition. I learned a lot many things from my past relationship experiences, that i already knew, if the rumours about me having a crush on her went viral, I will not be left with any hope of being with her, Thus i didn't even saw her through out the day, But nayan who was my bench mate, kept murmuring, Bro she is seeing there, Bro she is sitting that way, and what not, I didn't asked him to do so, But i didn't stopped him even!, Cuz she was the only one whom i was carrying in my heart, I can't frame that feeling in words cause love is very complicated, But yes, No-one looked that perfect to me the way she looked, cause that's what love is all about, I didn't even had seen her face. Yet, She was the only one in my heart running here and there, if this logic of "Hiccups" is true, than I am sorry to her for them! The day passed like a second goes on, and in a moment she was there with me, and in the other she wasn't, In about say five minutes i was in my hostel, I narrated the whole incident to my roommate, Ambuj, and he just kept laughing, He went like , boss you haven't even seen her face, and you are talking about love?

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