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'It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness.'


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chapter eighteen
the letter

12 Grimmauld Place.

What once used to be the abode of the noble Blacks, but now is classified as the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix.

There was something strange about it. A gloomy aura encased it. Perhaps it were those numerous dark objects that once inhabited the house or maybe the monotonous silence which was spread across the eerily empty hallways of the house. Nobody could tell that.

The obscure gloominess only got amplified by the tiny water droplets dribbling down the far corner of the ceiling, splattering slightly over the spider web woven in the midst of its path.

Alicia dismissed this as she ventured past the undiscovered part of the house.

Currently, she had nothing particular to do, neither any specific assignment work for that day nor some Order duty. She had already done her part of the work in the morning and currently it was about nightfall.

She had been no longer included in much of the meetings except a few of them that specifically concerned her. Alicia had started to grow a sneaking suspicion that Dumbledore had begun to feel a certain doubt towards her involvement in the ministry incident on Harry's hearing, and that's why he had started to slowly cut her off the meetings.

She had given them pre-warning about the giants joining the opposite side as well as assured them that she'll make sure none of the unfortunate events happen this time in her presence. Lisa had accounted for the same incident, somewhat solidifying everyone's trust in her.

Alicia's boring idle day at the Grimmauld Place got somewhat improved by her nonunanimous decision of venturing across the house which led her to the topmost landing of the house which had only two rooms, one that belonged to Sirius, and the other one which belonged to his brother.

Do Not Enter Without the Express Permission of Regulus Arcturus Black

These were the words sprawled across the door of the other room, clearly claiming its possession to be Regulus Black's.

Alicia stared at the sign for a moment, reading it aloud to herself once, before she raised her hand to unturn the door knob to enter the room.

But a voice stopped her out of nowhere, cutting through the silence, startling her momentarily.

"Don't." came Sirius' voice. "It is locked and out of use."

"It's your brother's room?" she asked the obvious, turning away from the doorway which proudly stated it's possession to be under the youngest Black.

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