Significance of Exclusive and Non-exclusive Contract

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Significance of Exclusive and Non-exclusive licence in terms of online book publishing for newbies authors.


A lot of newbies authors like me always come to me asking the difference between an exclusive or non-exclusive licence contract according to the online writing pushing terms. I keep explaining the same thing over and over again and it sucks.

I hope this helps you understand the difference between both contracts types. Most importantly for you to realize which contract type is best for you!.

Always make sure that before signing any document of any kind, you understand the terms.

A lot of newbie writers sign contracts without understanding the terms. They get overwhelmed about the cash offered and forget the essential. In the end, they end up regretting it. So don't fall, victim to such misconception.

I will define and explain it to the best of my ability and understanding.

1) Exclusive contract.
Exclusive means; limited, restricted etc... From its name exclusive, you can understand.

An exclusive licence is one where the licensee (the app) is given the full right to commercialise the book solely.

On the other hand, means only one person has the legal right to use the product (book or story). From its name exclusive mean reserve to one (one app or publishing house etc.).

"Exclusive, " however, actually means only one person has the right to the product for the given numbers of year's agreed by the licensee and the licensor.

This means giving all your right to the publishing app or house. So you have no say over the book or story again. This is practically not yours anymore!.

The phrase sole and exclusive license certainly occur in granting language.

2) Non-Exclusive contract.
From its name, one can understand, non-exclusive; not limited to, etc...

A Non-Exclusive Licence grants the licensee the right to use the intellectual property (product) but means that the licensor (author) remains free to exploit the same intellectual property and to allow any number of other licensees (publishing apps or houses) to also exploit the same intellectual property.

This is not limited to only one person or organization, or one group of people or organizations.
A non-exclusive agreement/ deal/ licence means you can publish the same story in different apps at the time without asking for anyone's opinion.
With this agreement, the author remains the sole owner of its work and all rights are re severed to the author.

I hope this piece on"Significance of Exclusive and Non-exclusive licence in terms of online book publishing for newbies authors" helped you in your understanding.

Also, make sure you choose the contract type that suits your needs and always ready the app's benefit and condition regarding both licenses to see if you can fulfil the condition before going ahead to sign, not to forfeit cash.

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