Chapter 10: catch you

Start from the beginning

I took it out and found out it was the card that Mr. Bradford and Greyson gave me.

Oh my Gee! I forgot that I remove it from my bag because I was trying to read the name of Sir Bradford last night which is Blake by the way.

Maybe I should visit Greyson in his office on monday for a change? Will he get mad?

I am anxiously waiting for monday to come.

I ask Miss Lorna to sketch a map so I can go to Greyson's office.

I don't know why but Miss Lorna started to sweat a lot when she read the black card of Greyson. I raise my hand in front of the AC to see if it is working and it does.

I heard that when a person sweats a lot she needs to go to the bathroom to poop.

Maybe she has those constimation? I forgot that long word.

Miss Lorna explained everything so I'll not get lost tomorrow.

I thank her and promise that I'll be careful.

I need to wake up early because it was far maybe close to 2 hours of walk.

Next day.

I woke up at 6am. The volunteer woke me up and she hand me my chicken sandwich and water.

I thank her and starts to walk towards Greyson's office.

In the middle of my journey I eat my sandwhich and drink my water.

I was so fascinated because this side of New York is different. It's funny but it's more busier and I can see that the shops are selling expensive stuffs.

All people here are wearing suits of various kinds.

I stand out in a sea of formal outfits.

I did not feel left out. Some of them even smile at me. Can you believe it?

I reach a very tall building that I can't even see the top. Is this it?

I check my map and it said that I am on the right place.

I look at the 6 intimidating hulk in front of the building.

Here goes nothing.

I walk to one of them and poke him in his arm to get his attention.
When sir hulk number 1 look down I smile at him and show him Greyson's card.

"Please?" I said in a small voice.

He gently get the card and read it.

He press something in his ear and said "Empress on Groundfloor."

Another hulk appeared out nowhere and nodded towards me.

I point at myself and mouthed "me?"

He nodded. I thank sir hulk number 1, I wave at the rest of the guard at the front and followed sir hulk number 2 inside.

Wow. The floor's black but I can see my reflection. There's a huge hanging light in the middle of the ceiling.

I wonder if I am allowed swing from up there.

I can see that the people at this floor is staring at me. Can't blame them. I look odd compared to them.

"Does Greyson know I am here?" I ask sir Hulk.

"No." He simply answered.

Oh I hope I will not disturb him.

He lead me to a small metal box. I look at him curiously.

"Elevator Miss." He explained.

Oh. Owkie. I know the word but it's the first for me to ride it. This is exciting.

When it starts to move I can't help but hold on to sir Hulk's arm.

"We're not gonna die riding this thing right?" I ask him nervously.

"No ma'am." He assured.

We reach a certain floor and it's so sparkly. There are paintings hanging on the wall and a marbke desk on my left. I can see that there's a room on the far left.

A tall lean man welcomed us with a smile.

"Hello I am Kurt. You can enter. Mr. Rosen-Hower is not busy at the moment."

"Oh no. I don't know a Rosen-Hower. I am here to visit Greyson."

Kurt smiled pleasantly and Sir Hulk nudge me towards a wall.

Huh? Should I smash this wall just to enter the room? Is Door not available on this side of New York?

Kurt knock and a concealed door slides to the left.

"What the?" I whispered. Sir Hulk and Kurt left me so I entered cautiously.

I did not prepare for the sight that welcomes me.
Greyson's seriously reading a book and in his right hand he's holding a chocolate bar. He did not even look up when I step inside.

"Knock knock?" I said meekly.

I was surprise when Greyson look up so fast that I am sure he'll get a whipflash.

He stands up immediately and walk towards me slowly.

I did not even notice that his door is already close.

Greyson stops in front of me and cutely poke my cheek with his finger tip.

I smile brightly at him.

"Surprise?" I said shyly.

I can see different emotions showing in his eyes and I am sure that happiness is the dominant one.

He did not answer me and he engulf me in his warm and comforting hugs.

I giggle when I was lifted off from the floor.

"Put me down! I might fall." I said.

"I'll catch you." I froze.

Did he. Did he just talk?

He did right?

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