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"He's headed East. StarFire, cut Mumbo off left of sector 12. Raven, try to get a hold of his hat. Beastboy, transport Cyborg to sector 12! I'll cut him off on the right. Titans Go!"

The team was back on the job and each member had a part to play. Mumbo was stashing thousands of dollars in his hat and was already on his way to the Gotham bank. But not if the Titans could help it!

Starfire flanked left and headed toward sector 12. She had eyes on mumbo and noticed the tricks he had up his sleeve as he used them on Raven, knocking her backwards into Beast Boy and Cyborg.

Starfire wanted to get this whole thing over with. Even if she was well rested, Starfire didn't have time for silly kalargnogs like Mumbo! She was worried about Robin.

Last night, Robin had stayed up late in a room he practically had dedicated to Slade. His mask was on the wall, a map of his last whereabouts and locations, and bits and bobbles containing information and clues about Slade.

Robin was obsessive and Starfire was upset that Robin had not listened to her. He was going to bed like she asked, when a 'break through' stopped him. Robin hadn't slept all night and here he was tracking down more prisoners.

"He's heading North Starfire!" Robin calls through their comms. Starfire was up and as she flew forward, she saw Mumbo slide into an alleyway that led to another street. Robin chased after him.

Lighting her hands up with their starbolts, Starfire floated down, blocking Mumbo's path to more escape routes. "You will go no further!" Starfire calls, her eyes were now glowing.

"I'm afraid you're wrong sweet heart!" Mumbo announces, and he begins to run towards her. Starfire throws her starbolts at him, but with the flick of his finger, they turn into confetti. He jumps passed her, knocking her down.

"Starfire!" Robin calls. He had been on Mumbo's tail from the start, but he was too slow to stop him from hurting Starfire.

Now on the ground, Starfire rubs her head. Robin lends her a hand and she takes it graciously before their moment is interrupted. "Robin, the bank's been breached! I got a lock on Mumbo." Cyborg speaks through their comms.

"Take him out, we'll be right behind you." Robin says as Starfire finally stands.

Speaking into his wrist, Cyborg looks up to Raven and Beast Boy who had their attention on the bank. "Let's give Mumbo a run for his money."

"Literally." Raven added, and Beastboy laughed, could Raven really be funny? The trio entered the bank quickly.

The bank was a mess, consisting of broken pots, civillians hiding under the front desk, and multiple chairs were dispersed around the room. All you could hear was Mumbo Jumbo laughing and the clattering chaos that followed him. The vault in the back was opened and Mumbo was flinging the money around.

"Stop right there!" Cyborg calls, his mechanical arm turning into a blaster. Blue rays shoot from the barrel, hitting Mumbo in the butt.

"Yow!" Mumbo shouted, brushing his toushe off. Smoke eminated off his trousers.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" With one small spell, Raven had gotten a hold of his wand and hat. She even had Mumbo in her clutches. Mumbo dangled helplessly from her dark magical hand she had summoned that was holding onto his cape. "We've had enough of you." Raven says bluntly.

"Good job Raven." Robin says from behind the trio. Starfire floated next to him. Beast Boy and Cyborg watched Raven curiously.

With all eyes on her, Raven looked at them all and lifted an eyebrow. "Can we go home now?"

Cyborg had his arms crossed now and Beastboy had his eyes on Mumbo now who was trying to get out of Raven's strong grip.

"Not quite. There's a signal coming from the Aurora jewelry store, it's Killer Moth."

Raven sighed with exhaustion. It was getting harder to control her emotions. She needed to go home and rest, she needed to use her mirror to transport her thoughts, but with the team already on the move again and the elite guards here to take Mumbo, there was no time to rest.

"Come on Raven!" Beast Boy calls from behind her. Raven had her hood on and Beast Boy could not see her face. He wondered what she might be thinking, was she okay? It seemed as though she hadn't slept at all last night by the way she'd been acting.

Then again, who had? The team didn't go home till 4 in the morning last night and got up at 10. If any of them were lucky, they could have slept for 6 hours at the most. That still wasn't enough for Beast Boy. He needed at least 8 hours of sleep to function properly. It made him wonder how much Raven truly needed.

She seemed to be holding up just fine to him, other than wanting to go home so bad. Maybe she wanted to go take a nap? With their conversation last night, Raven hinted at getting up at 5 in the morning, and for what? To meditate?

Without a word, Raven floats past him and soars over to Aurora Jewelry store. What were the odds of finding Killer Moth at a jewelry store? That was the last place Raven would have thought he would go.

When Beast Boy and Raven entered the scene, Robin, Starfire, and Cyborg were finishing the fight. "I just wanted to get my little girl a necklace for prom!" KillerMoth glares, and takes a glance toward Raven.

"Still doesn't give you the right to steal one." Robin crosses his arms, but before they can get the elite guards there to take the next prisoner, Kitten and Fang suspend from a skylight above.

"Robby-poo! Let my daddy go!" Kitten shouts, and Fang shoots venom straight at Robin, paralyzing him instantly before he can even have the chance to jump out of the way.

"Robin!" Starfire erupts, and flies forward, reaching for Robin while fang and Kitten drop down to Killer Moth.

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