"You said left first then you said right!"

"Argh!" I meant it was right to go left!"

"Uuhhhggg!" Jenny growled in annoyance as she went to turn around causing the stack of hamster cages in the back seat to topple onto Grace who let out a squeak.

"Why do you have so many hamster cages in here?" Inquired grace as she attempted to stack the cages back in the seat.

"Got a good deal on them but they had to be picked up immediately" she stated. "Now which way?"

"I dont know in think you cages stole my phone" "wait never mind here it is."

"So which way?!"


"You want me to turn right? As in the direction right?"


Jenny stared at her friend for a second before turning and driving silently.

Grace didnt get angry often.

Upset? Yes.

Sad? Of course.

Annoyed? Every time Jenny was in the same room.

But so angry she lashes out at her friends?

'I'm Sorry" came a small voice from three back seat.  "Left here"

"S'okay" said Jenny.

"I'm just worried about y/n."
"She spends so much of her time trying to protect us that she never thinks of herself."

"I know. I know."

Grace let out a dry half atempt at a laugh. "If it were anyone else I wouldnt be so worried I'd think they had just forgotrn to message that they were gonna be late and were just taking to a friend they'd met but..."
Grace trailed off.

Jenny understood "but its y/n." "And y/n doesn't forget about stuff like that"

Grace smiled gratefully ever though she knew Jenny couldn't see. "We sjoyld be just about-" Grace began as she looked out of the window her face pailed. "Oh my gods" "pull the car over"

She was out before the car had even stoped and runing across the road to where she saw a woman crouched over a fallen figure.

"Hey! Get away from her!" Said grace slightly out of breath adrenaline pumping through her veins. 

The woman stood up. She was dark skinned, had pure white hair and bright green eyes. "I have caused her no harm." "I saw that she had collapsed from the window of that café, a few seconds later a man came out of that ally so I threatened to call zee police."
She spoke with an accent that Grace couldnt quite place.

Shaking her head in apology Grace spoke, "I'm sorry I was just worried about my friend."

The woman smiled understandingly. "That is ok" "It is good she has friends such as you"

Grace was about too say something when they heard a groan from the ground. "M'head hurts" "who's the pretty lady?"

At this time Jenny appeared. "You have no idea how long it took me to find a spot to park." She said grumpaly. "Hi' yah y/n get tired on the way home?"

You sit up rubbing the back Of your head. "Jen if my head didnt hurt so much I'd stab you."

The woman laughed. "Well I've got to go but heres is my card in case you need anysing" she handed them a business card before crossing the street and hoping in an expensive looking, red and gold car and driving off.

"Who was that?" You Asked. "Wait where am I?"

Jenny answered "that was Claravelta and you are about halfway home from work"

Grace brightened slightly. "You know her?" "How?"

"Nope" said Jenny "It's on the card"

Grace stared at her. "Jenny I put that in my pocket how'd you get it?"

Jenny widened her eyes innocently "Guess you must have dropped it."

Suddenly your head stopped aching and you stood up.

Grace and Jenny stared at you.

The lack of ache should have made you feel better than you've had in months but instead of filled you with a sense of dread.

"I think something had is going to happen"

Bum bum BUM!

Live long and prosper my little vulcan potatoes 🖖.

Side note: I watched the first reboot movie last night and I give it a 8 out of 10

Happy birthday @ArianaPinapple !

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