"To try and cheer everyone up, Iida." He stopped when I said this for me to give a sigh out. "It's frustrating knowing everyone is in trouble because they wanted to help me. As such, I should take responsibility and try to make everyone cheer up at least a little." I placed a hand on Kaminari's shoulder as a way to gain his attention. "Sorry that I had to use you for this, man. Nothing personal."

"Werpy derpy do!"

"AHAHAHAHAHA!" Kyoka kept laughing with Momo beside her starting to have problems holding it in.

"It is...somewhat comical."

"At least we know that Deku's trying. Pussy of a way regardless, but it does the job." Kaachan pointed this out with all of us heading in.

'At least everyone's a little happier.' When we walked in, we noticed a massive dormitory system with the bottom floor having sofas, a flat screen, a kitchen and even some doors to a gym and pool.

"I live in a mansion!" Ochako started swirling around with Iida catching her to stop her from hurting herself.

"The dorm system is split from the second floor up with the boys side being the right stairwell and the girls being the left. The bottom floor is for everyone, so try to do your fair share if you need to clean here. Should also be understood without saying, but the baths and the restrooms on the bottom floor are split by gender. I don't see that being a problem with anyone." Immediately, Ochako, Momo, Mina, Tsu and Kyoka thought for a moment with them having massive nosebleeds before falling over.

"Mr. Aizawa. Should we get Recovery Girl here for them?" Sero asked with our teacher playing this off.

"Do what you want. Classes for you all start up tomorrow. So use this time to unload your things that are in your rooms already and be prepared for tomorrow's lessons." He left after this with me creating a vial with smelling salts thanks to 'Creation'. I asked Kaachan to wake the five girls up with all of us heading towards our own rooms. Since I was going to take time going up, I waited for everyone else to go up before going up the stairs myself.

"Yo. You need a hand getting your stuff done, man?" Kirishima asked for me to wave it off.

"It's not that hard. Right now, the crutches are more since it's hard to walk or stand on my legs for a long time. It shouldn't be that hard on me."

"Ok. Just holler than if you need help."

"I'll keep that in mind." I got to the first floor and noticed my name on the first door to smile a little. 'At least I'm not going a distance.'

Later that evening

After a large amount of hard work and sitting down due to not being able to stand as much, I was finally finished with placing everything up how I wanted. I hobbled down to see the guys laying on the sofa. "Everyone else is done?"

"Pretty much." Kaminari stated.

"I have a few things I need to do but I don't have enough wiring for it."

"I got some thumbtacks if that works."

Tokoyami smiled hearing this. "That actually does."

"Hey boys." We turned to the girls side to see the girls come walking down in street clothes. 'So everyone's done?"

"Yep." Kirishima smiled with Mina getting an idea.

"So how about we do a dorm showing then. It'll be fun." I was a little worried hearing this to raise my hand. "No Izuku, you can't pass on this. What's wrong, got some dirty mags hanging around somewhere we might see?" She made this joke to have me blush a bit.

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